High School Dropouts: An Issue for the Individuals and the Country
Guadalupe Medina Medina, Masters Candidate, San Diego State University (United States)
In order to address this pressing issue of high school dropout rates, this paper will examine the “push” and “pull” factors leading to this phenomenon[1]. “Push” factors include graduation requirements and related educational policies put in place that affect a student’s ability to graduate[2]. Social factors that influence graduation rates such as family, friends, peers and the labor market conditions are “pull” factors[3]. In order to understand “push” “pull” effects, a methodological analysis is presented that examines different alternates that could help address the issue[4]. The paper compares different options for the country to consider and implement in order to increase graduation rates while maintaining a quality education.
1. Ease the transition from 8th to 9th grade
2. Increase the Compulsory School Attendance Age (CSAA)
3. Collaboration within the district to implement programs and steps to
address the issue of high school graduation
The analytical focus of the paper will be on the common good and how each option will affect the common good of the country. Each of the alternatives is addressed in this paper from the point of view of the interests of the nation, the economy, and least priority given to the individual’s freedom, due to the students being minors, with the highest consideration given to the alternative that best meets the needs of the common good.
[1] John Robert Warren, “The Effect of Minimum Wage Rates on High School Completion,” Social Forces 88, no. 3 (2010): 1379.
[2] Ibd.
[3] Ibd.
[4] Ibd.