The Impact of Social Networks on EFL Medical Students’ Academic Performance at Jazan University
Altayeb Alhaj, Jazan University (Saudi Arabia)
Norah Banafi, The University of Limerick (Ireland)
Social networks such as Twitter, Blackboard and Instagram are the most feasible tools to enhance EFL medical students' academic performance through collaboration. This study aims at investigating the impact of social networks in increasing the students' improvement and creativity in learning medical terminologies at Jazan University. It examines the impact of Social networks enhancing higher education students’ motivation to collaborate on creating creative stories by using medical terminologies. The research adopted the descriptive, analytic and empirical methods. A survey of 15 items distributed to 150 students in 2015. The (SPSS) results indicate that networking has a great influence on students' enhancement and performance. Students are active in sharing personal experiences and ideas in creating creative stories about terminologies and solving complex medical problems through collaboration. Basing on these findings, the study recommends the application of social networks in EFL classroom interaction in creating a healthy environment.