A Study on Design Principles for Smart-App in Managing Training Program for Developing Country : Focusing on APEC e-Learning Training Program
Seonjeong Kim, Pusan National University (Korea, Republic of)
YoungHwan Kim, Professor, Pusan National University (Korea, Republic of)
Sangmi Kim, Pusan National University (Korea, Republic of)
This study is to improve APEC e-Learning Training Program(AeLT) in managing more effective program. AeLT is one of the most well-known sustainable activities in South Korea as Education-ODA. However has encountered some problems such as heavy expenses, managing procrustean operation, absence of requirment analysis for trainees and so on.
In this regard, this research conducted in-depth interviews with AeLT administrators and researchers to investigate operation procedures, their current needs and recognized matter of AeLT in managing and operation. And then, I draw main consequence to made efficient serve system for all of members.
One of its main principles is 'communicating with each other anywhere' and 'sharing learning information instantly'. Accordingly, Smart-APP is best proper serve system as a tool to help many required things. If the smart system with main principles will be made for AeLT, it can utilize another one as well. Because AeLT has more complex procedures than others in South Korea.