Trends and Issues in Educational Neuroscience: A Review of Current Studies
Meltem Kurtoğlu Erden, Department of Computer Education and Instructional Technologies, Faculty of Education, Uşak University. (Turkey)
The purpose of this study is to investigate articles being published in the literature about educational neuroscience. For this aim in selecting articles for this study some selection criteria were determined by researcher. Content analysis method was used in this study. In this method, as much as possible article has been reached and analyzed to make generalizability by the researcher. Firstly, a systematic research strategy was determined according to purpose of the study. Research strategy was made in two stages according to the criteria defined by the researcher. In the first stage, databases, key words and data analyzed method has been decided and the review has been made according to this decision. In the second stage, the articles that has been reached by the researcher has been analyzed according to journal, topic, research method, research type, data collection methods, study group, study group selection method, size of study group, and the results of the articles. An “Article Review Form” was developed by the researcher for examining the articles according to selected criteria. In the analysis process, a table which these criteria were coded in was created by the researchers for analyzing articles in the literature. After a detailed research process, the articles are carefully investigated and categorized according to the criteria that defined before. And the information of articles were written on the Article Review Form. Then these qualitative data were analyzed by the researcher. Then the data was categorized according to the defined criteria. Moreover, some part of qualitative data are transformed into numerical values and some of the data were presented in as tables and graphics. After that for validity and reliability another researcher who has experience about qualitative research had analyzed the selected articles too.
This study is important for the future researches and researchers who studied in educational neuroscience. It is hoped that the findings of this study will guide studies which would be conducted on education and neuroscience researches. However, the findings may be used to increase the quality of future research studies, by taking attention of researchers to important points and gaps realized throughout this research study. In this respect, it can be claimed that it is important to review current studies which were conducted on the field of educational neuroscience. From this point, in this study content analysis of studies about educational neuroscience was realized.