CINAGE - European Cinema for Active Ageing
Altheo Valentini, Associazione Centro Studi Città di Foligno (Italy)
As a response to Europe’s demographic ageing and the consequently increasing of social stigma about older people, four European countries – Portugal, Slovenia, Italy and United Kingdom – came together to develop CINAGE – European Cinema for Active Ageing (Project No.: 538672-LLP-1-2013-1-PT-GRUNDTVIG-GMP), a project that offers a new approach on learning for active ageing through film practices and shared cinematographic experiences. CINAGE ultimately aims at producing, testing and validating a package of film-oriented tools and learning strategies that will be the base for a cinema course for elders, culminating in the production of 12 short films by citizens of the specified age group, by 2015. Alongside with fomenting critical thinking and self-reflection methodologies, CINAGE’s innovative character is its andragogical dimension, since it will engage the elderly with filmmaking practices to creatively explore their age experiences, and thus promote a change in mentalities towards achieving a more active ageing.
The CINAGE project ( is a Grundtvig multilateral project, supported by the EU Lifelong Learning Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. All the information contained in this paper are the results of the combined efforts from the four CINAGE partners.