The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Early Childhood Education in Analysis: Historical Process and Consolidation of Democratic Management in Brazil

Marcela Soares Polato Paes, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP Campus Rio Claro/São Paulo (Brazil)

Joselaine Andréia de Godoy Stênico, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP Campus Rio Claro/São Paulo (Brazil)

Joyce Mary Adam, Universidade Estadual Paulista “Júlio de Mesquita Filho” – UNESP Campus Rio Claro/São Paulo (Brazil)


This essay is the result of a qualitative and bibliographic research, realized through the analysis of theoretical frameworks who discuss the school management in Childhood Education. This research contemplates the analysis of the consolidation historical process of this education modality. It was also used the documentary research, as a data collection instrument, to analyze legal instruments that regulating the Childhood Education in contemporary Brazilian society. It was obtained, as main results, that the historical process driven by the Early Childhood Education has shown that contemporary society is characterized by an intense process of globalization that influences the education field. In this context, it was observed an intentionality of to promote an adequacy of the educational processes to demands of current society. So, the development of Early Childhood education occurred as the result of social changes, in particular related with the work, because of the need for manpower training to meet the demands of industrial society. For this, it was developed an educational conception focused on the young students, in order to provide them a basic education for their future inclusion in society and in the work world. Thus, the education turned to the aspect of the work since the early years of schooling. This aspect needs to be rethought, in view that the educational process should be dedicated to the development of full individuals and that the education must promote the expansion of participatory processes in accordance with the perspective of democracy, emancipation and autonomy. This conception of education shows that the management's processes must be driven contemplating more participatory processes. So, the Education Childhood management must be guided by the proposal of the democratic management what reflects an important space to be appropriate by educators in view to improve the education quality. This perspective is innovative for educational practices, because it contributes with the debate about the education aims and about the education management, providing opportunities to rethink the educational practices in contemporary society.


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