Value For Money And Efficiency In Higher Education For The Girl Child’: Resources Management And Management Of Higher Educationin Uganda And Its Implications For Quality Education Outcomes For..
Delilah Namubiru, Educator (Uganda)
Increasingly, the role of efficient higher educational systems for the girl child in the development of nation states is being recognized in a number of countries in the developing world.
Higher educational institutions require adequate resources in the form of financial, material and human resources among others to attain their ‘mission of efficiency’ to enforce girl child education that has struggled to improve. The management of resources has to be both efficient and effective. While many have recognized the importance of resources in the running of effective higher education systems for the girl child, limited scientific research has been conducted on how efficient management of such resources can lead to effectively managed higher education systems for the girl child in Uganda and how it can subsequently contribute to attainment of educational outcomes.
In this paper an examination of the relationship between resource management and effectively managed higher education system for the girl child with implications for attainment of higher education quality outcomes is examined from Uganda’s context. The results generally indicate that efficiency in resource management has a significant effective on the management of higher educational systems for the girl child in Uganda; and this has wide contributions in enhancing the quality and relevance of higher educational systems. The paper recommends that all higher education systems need to create a transparent mechanism of managing resources and should develop a ‘culture’ of ‘value for money and the girl child’ in the use of critical resources while planning, staffing, leading and controlling .The paper highlight policy, and managerial implications relevant for international practice and recommends areas for further research.