Public Health for Elderly: a Facebook.
Margarita Gonzalvo-Cirac, Demographer Researcher Universitat Rovira i Virgili (Tarragona-Spain) (Spain)
This research describes and analyses one innovation technologies in research and in teaching. An inter-university project carried out by the URV and UIC universities has completed an analysis of the elderly population and caregivers, students… During the process of analysis, this extensive data has been entered into a database (Microsoft Office Access), which allows us to work with the data and obtain results as statistics, reports, calculations and graphs. Since this project is made up of members from various universities and is a multidisciplinary project involving healthcare, demographers, nutritionist and epidemiologist, to enable project members to work from their respective locations.
The aim of this web service is to facilitate the research and the teachers, for this goal it is necessary to have the involved researchers linked and to facilitate the access to the information. This project describes the trend in life expectancy evolution in various European Union countries, from the early 1960s until today. It is during this period that gender-based differences begin reaching significant convergence between male and female’s life expectancy rates with the greatest convergence occurring in 2011, even though women still reach higher average life expectancy. In order to explain this inequality trend regarding European life expectancy and to provide specific information to the population we have created a Facebook page:
This web page presents ideas and tools for caregivers for elderly people. It also suggests teaching materials for teachers.
The conceptual framework of the epidemiological transition theory and the nutrition transition has been used for this research. Women continue to break the epidemiological patterns. Data and information compiled from the Eurostat as well as different mortality rate tables by sex and age have been used. Additionally, based on the International Classification of Diseases, the leading causes of death since 1960 have been studied to assess the structural transformations that the population has experienced due to the increasing life expectancy rate, and its impact on health disparities taking into account the vulnerability of survival of the current elderly population.
Keywords: Public Health, elderly, caregiver, teacher.