The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Education under Social Studies Textbook of Bulgarian School

Valentina Milenkova, South West University (Bulgaria)


Education is a basic agent for social and cultural integration. In this aspect school programs and textbooks are a decisive factor for creating attitudes to the issues of identity and diversity as well as the knowledge for the real environment.

The objectives of the present paper are oriented:
1) to analyzing the context of social study textbook “World and Personality” designed for 12th (last) grade of mainstream Bulgarian school.   
2) To present the views of teachers on the study content towards the different aspects of social life.
3) To focus on the basic deficits in education on the Social Studies topics.

The basic methods:
The First method is content analysis of the topics included in the textbook “World and Personality”. The focus of the study is to present issues related to the “social institutions”, “Inequalities,”, “Identities and Conflicts”, “Local, national, regional”; “Europe and regionalism”; “Stereotypes and recognition of the other”. The paper also studies the pathos of the relevant lessons, what are the suggestions and impressions under the content of the topics.
The second method is conducting In-Depth Interviews with teachers who have social studies classes of mainstream Bulgarian schools, presenting their evaluation on designed topics in study contents. The teachers assess how these lessons create basis for cognitive and emotional resources of the social attitudes and habits.

The outcomes: The study content of Bulgarian textbooks is oriented to the creation multicultural attitudes, mutual understanding and tolerance, knowledge for the other, recognition diversity. Sometimes there are students’ difficulties in understanding the study contents. Following the creation of multicultural educational space and attitudes to recognize the other is the way to support European values for dignity and equality of the people.

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