Weaving ELL throughout the Curriculum: Best Practices from an Integrated Science Curriculum
Melissa Caspary, Georgia Gwinnett College (United States)
Diane Boothe, Boise State University (United States)
Education at all levels in our global society stresses the importance of comprehensive English Language Learning (ELL) for successful mastery of science education content. Limited communication skills can be a significant stumbling block in the attainment of content area knowledge. The concepts and knowledge associated with the ability to perform successfully in the sciences are strengthened by best practices in ELL as well as integrated science curriculum and content. This paper discusses and illustrates best practices in integrated science curriculum and science pedagogy coupled with ELL strategies that strengthen content and language acquisition simultaneously. Learning is stimulated by supportive access to knowledge and information building capacity for achievement in ELL and science content. By providing specific examples of a blending of content and pedagogy through these best practices, a glimpse of effective learning in top performing classrooms is provided.
Rethinking emerging practices will translate to improved teaching and student outcomes. The attainment of knowledge in the content area rests on a clearly articulated set of goals and objectives related to the specific science subject matter. Blended with ELL strategies as well as cultural resources, dialog is stimulated and appropriate pedagogy results. Students are provided the latitude to move forward at a pace consistent with their abilities and take ownership for strengthening both language and science content. This paper provides specific examples from integrated science courses that support this methodology. Examples will be provided incorporating active, hands-on learning, digital learning and technology, inquiry-based learning, as well as content-based science activities designed to engage and strengthen ELL. Student achievement increases through investigation and inquiry that encompasses the structure and methods necessary for effective development of language skills and acquisition of science content knowledge. Multiple assessment measures will be suggested that provide usable feedback and guide evaluation.