Collaboration: an Essential Ingredient for Teachers' Professional Development
Rana Challah, Université Lyon 2 (France)
Reforms in European education systems have led to the proliferation of constructivist learning designs. Collaboration among teachers has been increasingly explored over the past decade as it relates to the different actors’ representations within the school community. Teamwork and collaboration among teachers have become essential ingredients for professional development (Fullan and Hargreaves, 1992) which help enhance school effectiveness. This paper explores the dynamics of teamwork within three schools French-speaking schools in Lebanon. Despite the teachers’ perception its usefulness, teamwork culture does not seem to be established as a tool which enhances school effectiveness and growth. The measurement tools used to address this issue are considered in two methodological quantitative and qualitative approaches. The studied sample was composed of three principals as well as 111 teachers. To some extent, the findings of the study reflect a contribution in the professional development of high school teachers in the three establishments. However, they enable to highlight some restrictions of this contribution namely in terms of working with the school community as well as several partners of the school system and school network. The recommendations help underline the necessity to explore various means which help establish teamwork and community culture.
1. Fullan, M. and Hargreaves, A. (1992) What’s Worth Fighting for in Your School? Buckingham, Open University Press.