The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

How to Prepare Teachers to Blended Learning? An Experience in the National Autonomous University of Mexico

Lissette Zamora Valtierra, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Dirección de Cómputo Académico y Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (Mexico)


This experience forms part of Coordination Habitat Puma, DGTIC, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) whose overall objective is that university professors introduce into their academic work technological tools, specifically introduce academic classroom activities supported by ICT. In this context there is unrolled the experience of teacher training in modality blended learning.

The Coordination Habitat puma offers an academic offer to all the university teachers based on two ideas: 1) to live through the experience in the use of technology as a tool of support to the learning of a content and 2) to learn doing. Of this form the whole academic offer tries to offer in his courses a reflection of the educational practice to give course for the introduction of technological tools, in order to look for the educational innovation inside the classroom. Hereby the teachers are busy with giving the above mentioned offer have to possess some specific characteristics in order that the participants on having finished, could lead to his new practical classrooms. We are called these teachers as tutor.

The formation of these tutors is based on a workshop that it develops: didactic skills, it is to say how to develop strategies in the blended learning, skills for the communication, what it implies how to communicate to him in an academic space blended learning and technological skills, it is this point, our approach is not to teach or to learn the different technological tools, but rather to develop digital skills that allow to approach any tool.

This formation has been given in several occasions, having a very rich experience. On one hand it is a course very good received as a specific space of formation for teachers who devote themselves to the teachers' formation. Also as a space of reflection on the possibilities of the technology in the classroom and as a way for the teachers' formation.

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