A New Approach to Multimedia Teaching by Means of Game Like and Selective Tests
Luigi Maxmilian Caligiuri, University of Calabria; MIUR - Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research (Italy)
Emanuela Ominelli, MIUR - Ministry of Education, University and Scientific Research (Italy)
The introduction of digital technology has deeply and quickly changed the social habits and personal attitude especially in the younger people. New generations are more and more conditioned by the new technologies whose development inevitably require the formulation of new teaching tools and learning evaluation parameters. In this context the key point, as regards as the educational world, is not only the proposing a teaching model able to interest students through the richness of its contents but also expressed by means of a modern and multimedia language. In this paper a novel approach to teaching, based on the elaboration of a game - like strategies through the creations of interactive multidisciplinary tests, is presented and discussed. Overcoming challenges in fact represents a crucial element to stimulate concentration and learning. Only after passing a test it is possible to prove its result through, for example, a related laboratory experiment (in the case of experimental sciences) or a social inquiring (when studying human sciences). The integration between tests and new technology is realized by the proposal of suitable new applications for tablet and smartphone whose most important features should be represented by a true interactivity and a complete customizability by teachers and students. Another interesting important point of interest of the proposed new approach lies in its methodological generality making its application possible to a wide range of subjects.