The Possible Perspective for Future Education – the A/R/Tography Perspective
Anna Marcinkowska, Opole University (Poland)
The perspective for future education which on I would like to shed on light with a/r/t ography is about a democratic approach to art education and the postmodern paradigm where different voices can be heard. That means that the pluralism of different acceptable and equally important points of view provide quality of research, thanks to the rich discourse.
This a reflection on art education in a boarder perspective as an internal part of varied educational activities. The main aim is to describe how the a/r/t ography -the practice of art which merged with practice of teaching and of conducting research- could look in particular milieus. I will describe collective projects where those three fields become one. These practices is additionally enriched by the design-based research approach.
The a/r/t/ ography interventions presented in the paper are dedicated specifically to media and information literacy. The concept of media and information literacy defined by UNESCO highlights one of the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which is concerned with humans right to freedom of opinion and expression. What is important is that it states one’s freedom to 'hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas though any media and regardless of frontiers.' With the a/r/t ography interventions I seek to fulfill this right and to try and describe the role of art in being media and information literates. I especially focus on the role of co-researchers and set it together with the role of co-authors and users.