The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Tablets and Laptops as E-Learning Aids and Research Tools to Optimize Students’ Foreign Language Acquisition

Joachim Liedtke, Kristianstad University (Sweden)


The future of education definitely depends on the successful application of innovative teaching and learning methodologies, supported by digital technologies. Foreign language acquisition can be seen as one of the main areas which have been influenced a lot by this development during the past decades and this progress is ongoing. While many concepts and programs are focused on better learning results, systematic studies, which are concentrated on the optimization of the learning progression and its conditions, are still in the minority. As one of the most crucial reasons for this lack, the enormous number of involved parameters has to be taken into account.

Reflecting this very com­plex context, I would like to introduce a new CALL method named CALLplus. CALL+ attempts to answer how the computer can be used both as a learning and a research tool by analyzing the foreign language learning processes, including their multifaceted conditions. It also supports the students’ learning progress in order to optimize their language acquisition. By demonstrating the results of a five-year longitudinal empirical pilot study, I would like to discuss the usability of the extended concept CALL+ to gather new insights into the conditions of foreign language teaching and learning as fundamental components of future educational concepts.

Keywords: Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL), Learning Parameter Research, E-Learning

References: [1] Liedtke, Joachim (2017): „Zur Theorie der kognitiven Verarbeitungstiefe in Korrelation mit der lexikalischen Lernleistung beim Fremdsprachenerwerb“. Germanica Wratislaviensia, Heft 141, S. 453-466, Ansätze – Begründungen – Maßstäbe. Hrsg. von I. Bartoszewicz, Marek Hałub & Tomasz Małyszek, Breslauer Universitätsverlag (ISSN: 0435-5865).
[2] Liedtke, Joachim (in press): "Textualität versus Lexikalität: Zur computergestützten Optimierung der Lernkonditionen des kontextualisierten L2-Lexikerwerbs". Hellenogermanica – Griechische Germanistische Hochschulstudien, Griechische Gesellschaft für Germanische Studien, Hrsg. von F. Batsalia & Eleni Butulussi, Peter Lang, International Academic Publishers, Bern (Schweiz).

Kristianstad University, Sweden ([email protected])

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