The Future of Education

Edition 15

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Accepted Abstracts

Adult Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Development of Sustainable Entrepreneurship Competencies in Higher Education: A Self-Assessment Tool for Students

Madeleine Larsson

Linköping University, Sweden (Sweden)

Anne Seela

2University of Oldenburg, Germany (Germany)

Olof Hjelm

Linköping University, Sweden (Sweden)

Flipped Classroom in higher education in Albania; what do students think?

Merita Hoxha

Aleksandër Xhuvani University (Albania)

From Textiles to Soft Robotics and the Emergent Approaches in STEAM and Textile Labs

Adrina Cabrera Galindez

Matrix gmbh & co kg (Germany)

Pistofidou Anastasia

Fabricademy, textile and technology academy (Spain)

Innovative Ways to Activate the Teaching of Arabic Linguistics and its Effects in Non-Arabic Speakers in the Local and International Universities by Applying "Atawm&Mgg&Lexicolsem”

Asma Abdul Rahman

Islamic Science University of Malaysia (Malaysia)

Teaching Cybersecurity Masters: Student Coding Assessment and Engagement with Online Content

Tati Tchoubar

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering (United States)

Siva Raj Rajagopalan

New York University, Tandon School of Engineering (United States)

The Advantages of Non-Traditional Educational System (on the example of teaching English)

Nodira Mukhitdinova

Republican Graduate School of Business and Management (Uzbekistan)

Rukhsora Fayziyeva

Student, Uzbek state world languages university (Uzbekistan)

The Impact of Compliance Control on Education and the Fight against Corruption.

Kamila Rafikova

Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the Compliance control department (Uzbekistan)

Arts in Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Artistic and Cultural Education for Sustainable Development:Examples from Around the Globe and What We Can Learn from Them

Peiqi Ye

East China Normal University (China)

Cultivation and Improvement of Musical Performance Skills of Future Music Teachers

Wenlin Cheng

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania (Lithuania)

Rasa Kirliauskienė

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania (Lithuania)

Exploring Arts in Education: Arts Integration Isn’t Just For Education Majors

Angela Cornelius

LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York (United States)

Making Your Voice Heard. A Sidactically Oriented Analysis of the Picture book Mitt bottenliv – av en ensam axolotl (Life at the Bottom – from a Lonely Axolotl)

Anna Lyngfelt

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Mr. Sunshine as a Tool for Teaching Korean History and Culture

Yunsuk Chae

Middle Georgia State University (United States)

Reflections on drama`s transdiciplinarity in education and posthumanism

Giedre Straksiene

Western Norway University of Applied Sciences Klaipeda University (Lithuania) (Norway)

Social Sustainability Perspectives on a Music and Poetry Project

Katharina Dahlbäck

University of Gothenburg (Sweden)

Super Food!? The Potential of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Labs at the Intersection of Art and Science in Schools

Katharina Anzengruber

Senior Scientist at the Inter-University Organization Science & Art, Paris Lodron University Salzburg & University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria)

Elke Zobl

Associate Professor at the Inter-University Organization Science & Art, Paris Lodron University Salzburg / University Mozarteum Salzburg (Austria)

The Influence of Self-Regulated Learning in Piano Learning

Suqi Dong

Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania (Lithuania)

Genutė Gedvilienė

Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)

The Role of Cultural Heritage in Education. The Case Study of the European Project PASTILLE.

Gianluca Olcese

University of Wroclaw (Poland)

Anna Siri

University of Genoa (Italy)

Curriculum Development
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Design Thinking and Application to Education

İbrahim Ergin

FMV Işık High School (Turkey)

Developing an Online ICT Study Abroad Course with the Integration of VR English Lessons

Yukie Saito

Chuo University (Japan)

Distance Learning Education in IP Fields for Students in Economics

Aleksandar Aleksandrov

University of National and World Economy Bulgaria (Bulgaria)

Effective Education that Will Be Relevant in 4ir ERA: A Case Study for South African Secondary Schools

Rachel Tholakele Khoza

University of Johannesburg, Department of Commercial Accounting, Soweto Campus, (South Africa)

Kgabo Freddy Masehela

University of Johannesburg, Department of Commercial Accounting, Soweto Campus, (South Africa)

Lonah Mbhalati

University of Johannesburg, Department of Commercial Accounting, Soweto Campus (South Africa)

Global Learning and Children’s Literature Book

Flavia Iuspa

Florida International University (United States)

Daniela Foerch

Florida International University (United States)

Integration of Real-Time Construction Planning Scenarios with Theoretical Studies of Building Services and Piping Technology - A Practical Approach

Nijanthan Mohan

FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Lina Schulze-Buxloh

FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Rolf Groß

FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences (Germany)

Intellectual Property Rights in Practically Based Course “Publishing business“ for Students in Economics

Maria Markova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Knowledge Management and its Importance in Students Education

Dimitrina Papagalska

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Reducing the Ecological Footprint through Eco-Awareness: the REFE Project

Cintia Colibaba

University of Life Sciences Iasi (Romania)

Irina Gheorghiu

Albert Ludwigs Freiburg University (Germany)

Carmen Antonita

Scoala Primara Euroed (Romania)

Otilia Mironeanu

EuroEd School Iasi (Romania)

Ramona Cirsmari

Scoala Primara EuroEd Iasi (Romania)

Ovidiu Ursa

Iuliu Haţieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj (Romania)

Stefan Colibaba

Al. I. Cuza University (Romania)

Title of Abstract Name Institution
"Intellectual Property’"Discipline - Practice-Focused Training During Online Education

Dimitrina Papagalska

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

A Multinational Review for Distance Education Applications in The Pandemic Process

Secil Kaya Gulen

Anadolu University, Turkey (Turkey)

Accessibility Statements in Digital Resources

Ann Marcus-Quinn

University of Limerick (Ireland)

Addressing Student’s Preferences Towards Online Learning: The Role of An Online Campus within a Multi-campus College System

Carlos Morales

Tarrant County College—TCC Connect Campus (United States)

Building a Literature Review on Emergency Remote Learning during COVID-19 through the Lens of European Regulations

Simona Scanni

University of Birmingham (United Kingdom)

Comparison of COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts on Teaching at the International, National and Institutional Level: A Case from Croatia

Goran Bubaš

University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Covid-19 Pandemic: Investigating the Psychological Impact of Remote Teaching on Teachers/Lecturers

Jospeh Rotimi

University of Brighton (United Kingdom)

E-Learning in Uzbekistan

Fotima Shukurullayeva

Uzbek (Uzbekistan)

Enhancing Cryptography Education Using Collaborative Visual Programming

Sherif Abdelhamid

Assistant Professor, Virginia Military Institute (United States)

Sarah Patterson

Virginia Military Institute (United States)

Blain Patterson

Virginia Military Institute (United States)

Humanising Online Learning: Lesson Learned from 2 Years of Emergency Remote Teaching

Nanak Hikmatullah

University of Massachusetts, Amherst & Edgar Brood Academic Chair (Indonesia)

Interior Design as an Object of Intellectual Property Education in Microsoft Teams Platform and a Way for Corporate Identity

Valery Kostova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Opportunities to Serve Latinx Students in Online Programs at Hispanic Serving Institutions in Higher Education

Kathryn Hughes

Pacific Oaks College - California (United States)

Cassandra Peel

Pacific Oaks College (United States)

Camille Huggins

Pacific Oaks College (United States)

Gio Hortua

Pacific Oaks College (United States)

Ja Ne’t Rommero

Pacific Oaks College (United States)

Procrastination in a Group of Adult Students in an Online Environment

Maria de Fátima Goulão

Universidade Aberta (Portugal)

Student Digital Preferences in Higher Education before and during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Astrid Haugestad

NLA University College (Norway)

Charlie Keeling

Ostfold University College (HIOF) Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (Norway)

Students' attitudes towards foreign languages and their methodology of language learning

Sirojiddin Sharipov

Garant insurance group (Uzbekistan)

Shukhrat Abdaliev

shuxrat-parizoda (Uzbekistan)

Study Approaches and Skills in Online Learning Students

Maria de Fátima Goulão

Universidade Aberta (Portugal)

The Future of E-Learning

Mark Lamont

University of New South Wales (Australia)

The Impact of Covid-19 on Education in United States

Kalliny Morris

Rowan University (United States)

Mary Kalliny

Rowan University (United States)

The Umbrella School: An Inquiry-Creativity VR School

Robert O Slater

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

Dorothy F. Slater

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

The Umbrella School: An Inquiry-Creativity VR School

Dorothy F. Slater

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

Robert Slater

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

The use of digital resources in teaching foreign languages

Jurabek Egamberdiyev

Alif Education (Uzbekistan)

Anvar Abdurakhmanov

Global Technologies (Uzbekistan)

Abdulloh Mallaev

Alif Education (Uzbekistan)

Rustam Egamberdiyev

Alif Education (Uzbekistan)

The Use of Protected Works in the Education Process for the Students in Economics trough the Course “Film Business“

Ivan Nachev

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Understanding University Students’ Behavioural Intention to Use Metaverse Technologies Applied in Education. A Technology Acceptance Model Approach towards Edumetaverse

Nikolaos Misirlis

HAN University of Applied Sciences International School of Business Arnhem, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)

Harris Bin Munawar

HAN University of Applied Sciences International School of Business Arnhem, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)

Using Normalized Opinions Obtained from Interactive Online Feedback to Stimulate Critical Thinking and Reinforce Learning

Sérgio P. J. Rodrigues

University of Coimbra (Portugal)

Using Virtual Reality and Ontologies to Teach System Structure and Function. The Case of Introduction to Anatomy

Soergel Dagobert

University at Buffalo (United States)

Olivia Helfer

Western New York Library Resources Council (WNYLRC). (United States)

Education and Healthcare
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Demographic Factors and Depressive Symptoms in university students: A Predictive Model

María Sánchez Munilla

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Alexander Constante

Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)

Delia Arroyo Resino

Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (Spain)

Results of One of the Tympanoplasty Methods and their Implementation in Residents’ Training.

Ulugbek Mukhitdinov

Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Associate Professor (Uzbekistan)

Mukhitdinova Robiyahon

Uzbek State World Languages University,Student (Uzbekistan)

The Effects of Sleep Schedules on Brain Functions correlated with the High School Students’ Academic Success and Social Skills

Ayşe Yalçın

Hisar School (Turkey)

Selin Pir

Hisar School (Turkey)

The Potential Use of Thermal Springs in Trauma Pedagogy

David Th. Ausserhuber

ICUMEDA Intercultural Mediation and Art (Austria)

Education and Society
Title of Abstract Name Institution
“There is this Guy on YouTube…”

Thorsten Lomker

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Katharina Richter

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

A Case Study of Gender Barriers in Vocational Education

Kitt Lyngsnes

Nord University (Norway)

Marit Rismark

Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) (Norway)

A Disruptive Disease

Thorsten Lomker

Zayed University Dubai (United Arab Emirates)

Katharina Richter

Zayed University (United Arab Emirates)

Actions Taken Against the Microplastic Pollution At Schools in Turkey

Aziz Utku Alturfan

FMV Işık High School (Turkey)

An Investigation into Primary Children’s Understanding of Climate Change Through Their Writings

Eva Duran Eppler

University of Roehampton (United Kingdom)

Wolfgang Mann

University of Roehampton (United Kingdom)

Virginia Lamb

University of Roehampton (United Kingdom)

Aviation Students’ Opinions on Future Employment Prospects Caused by the Economic Consequences of the Covid-19 Pandemic

Dietmar Tatzl

FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

Simone Sporer-Fellner

FH JOANNEUM University of Applied Sciences (Austria)

Bullying Behavior in Non-Formal Education through Sport: Does the Problem Exist?

Vilija Bitė Fominienė

Lithuanian Sports University (Lithuania)

Milda Treigiene

Lithuanian Sports University (Lithuania)

Caring, Character, and Community: Leadership in Times of Crisis

Hardin L.K. Coleman

Boston University - Wheelock College of Education and Human Development (United States)

Elizabeth Barcay

Boston University - Wheelock College of Education and Human Development (United States)

Circular economy, Education for Sustainable Development and Green skills: T(h)REE elements for a better future

Carlotta Maria Crippa

VšĮ “eMundus” (Lithuania)

Vida Drąsutė

Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)

Considerations about the Importance of Education after the First Wave of Covid-19

Cristina Vilaplana-Prieto

University of Murcia (Spain)

Developing a Science-Club Programme based on Informal Learning Environments

Matthew Grech

University of Malta (Malta)

Charles Bonello

University of Malta (Malta)

Developing Long-Term Mobility Programmes for Upper-Secondary Students through Erasmus+: Challanges and Opportunities

Nicola Catellani

Sweden Emilia Romagna Network (SERN) (Italy)

Roberto Rossi

Liceo Statale Scientifico aldo moro - Reggio Emilia (Italy)

Education in Cyber Security. Possible Approaches to the Topic.

Nikolay Krushkov

Assoc. Prof. Dr. at the University of National and World Economy, Sofia Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer Department (Bulgaria)

European Funding Opportunities in the Field of Education

Elisabetta Delle Donne

Pixel (Italy)

Ib or Ap Preference in University Applications in FMV Işık High School

İbrahim Ergin

FMV Işık High School (Turkey)


FMV Isik High School (Turkey)

Ideas and Teachings for the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Education of the Younger Generation

Farkhod Tukhtashev

Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Uzbekistan)

Jasur Mamutov

Global Technologies (Uzbekistan)

In Times of Neural Machine Translation: Linguistic Competence Back on the Translation Stage

Gabriela Bulgaru

Babeș-Bolyai University (Romania)

Innovation Industry an Intellectual Property Training for Students

Vladislava Petrova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Intercultural Knowledge Development in Culturally Mixed Group: the Role of Student’s Perceived Task Values and Task Relevance

Weiwei Li

CIE Centre for Internationalisation of Education, Campus Fryslân, the University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

Sabine Otten

Department of Psychology, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

Robert Coelen

CIE Centre for Internationalisation of Education, Campus Fryslân, the University of Groningen (The Netherlands)

Leadership in Higher Education Through Intellectual Property-Based Innovation at Universities

Iskren Konstantinov

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Learning During Challenging Times: The Affective Impact of the Covid Pandemic on Educators and Students

Diane Boothe

Boise State University (United States)

Programs in Business Analytics: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities

Rose Sebastianelli

University of Scranton (United States)

Nabil Tamimi

University of Scranton (United States)

Promoting the Collaboration Between Schools, Research Institutions, and Local Associations: the 2022 European Week at Liceo Copernico in Bologna as a Case Study

Silvia Giuliani

Institute of Marine Sciences - National Research Council of Italy (Italy)

Luca Giorgio Bellucci


Renata Lapinska-Viola

ISOF-CNR of Bologna (Italy)

Alberto Zanelli

Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr) Istiuto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF) (Italy)

Emilia Benvenuti

ISMN-CNR of Bologna (Italy)

Lorenzo Forini

External consultant (Italy)

Armida Torreggiani

National research council of italy - cnr (Italy)

Religious Heritage as a Resource in Cultural Heritage and Tourism Training. Shared Experience

Maria Nikolova

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Sofia Vasileva

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Ivanka Yankova

University of Library Studies and Information Technologies (Bulgaria)

Strategic use of figurants in vocational training

Cecilia Jonsson

Centre for Police Research and Development, Linnaeus University (Sweden)

Susanna Lif

Centre for Police Research and Development, Linnaeus University (Sweden)

Sustainable Development Goals in the Citizenship Education Programme. Analysis of the Chilean Curriculum.

Paula Soto Lillo

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile)

Gabriela Vásquez Leyton

Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile)

The Challenges of Higher Education Reform in Romania

Alina Mihaela Dima

Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania)

Vanesa Vargas

Bucharest University of Economic Studies (Romania)

The Learning Process in Higher Education: Flipping the Classroom.

Patrícia Ferreira

Escola Superior de Educação do Porto (Portugal)

Paula Quadros-Flores

Escola Superior de Educação - Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Portugal)

The Urgencies of Democratic Education: Public Spheres and Moral Compasses

Martin Laba

Simon Fraser University - School of Communication (Canada)

UK Covid-19 Policies, Decoloniality, and Online Learning: A Qualitative Inquiry of Indian Female Students' Experiences

Sangeeta Rani

University of Leeds School of Education Esrc (United Kingdom)

Using Sustainability Indicators in University Teacher Training Course

Eva Stratilová Urválková

Charles University (Czech Republic)

Svatava Janoušková

Charles University - Faculty of Science (Czech Republic)

Enhancing Student Engagement
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Developing Inclusive Pedagogy with Students with Intellectual Disabilities as Co-Researchers

Nicola Mannion

Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, Ireland (Ireland)

Developing Writing Skills Through Weblogs

Emer Connolly

Technological University of the Shannon (TUS) (Ireland)

Emotional Ambience in Classroom Interaction Rituals

Adam Droppe

Department of educational sciences, University of Kristianstad (Sweden)

Enhancing Student Engagement in Their Learning Process through Teach-Back Method

Borja Manzano-Vázquez

University of Granada (Spain)

Enhancing Students’ Engagement with a Simulation Game on Change management

Petra Hauptfeld

University of Applied Sciences Burgenland (Austria)

Innovative Education Approach Toward Active Distance Education: A Case Study in the Introduction to AI course

Sana Sabah Al-azzawi

Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, EISLAB (Sweden)

György Kovács1

Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, EISLAB (Sweden)

Hamam Mokayed

Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, EISLAB (Sweden)

Diana Chroneer

Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, Digital Services and Systems (Sweden)

Foteini Liwicki

Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, EISLAB (Sweden)

Marcus Liwicki

Luleå University of Technology, Dept. of Computer Science, Electrical and Space Engineering, EISLAB (Sweden)

Resilience to Climate Challenges: Learning Site Selection with Field Investigations

Ping Xu

University of Colorado Boulder (United States)

The Power of Project-Based Learning

Derek Michael

Global Learning Charter Public School (United States)

The Use of Digital Storytelling to Promote First Year Student Engagement and Successful Transition into University

Subethra Pather

University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

Trevor Moodley

University of the Western Cape (South Africa)

Tutoring Gifted High School Students by Design of Experimental Setup in Nuclear Physics

Mile Dželalija

University of Split, Faculty of Science (Croatia)

Nela Dželalija

III. Gimnazija, Prirodoslovno-matematička gimnazija, Split (Croatia)

Danica Bavčević

III. Gimnazija, Prirodoslovno-matematička gimnazija, Split, Croatia (Croatia)

Using Vlogs for Peer Teaching to Increase Student Independence and Engagement

Laura Major

Achva Academic College, Hemdat Academic College (Israel)

Games and Media in Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Do Instructions and Restrictions Work: An Analysis on Various Mediation Methods Regarding Cyberbullying and Its Effects in China

Yixuan Li

University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)

Yihuan Wu

United World College Changshu (China)

Repurposing Existing Games for Education on the Example of User Reviews

Łukasz Wilkoń

Politechnika Śląska (Poland)

Teaching about Raw Materials and Geology at school: the BetterGeo Mod and the engagement of youngsters as Young RM Ambassadors

Luca Giorgio Bellucci


Silvia Giuliani

Institute of Marine Sciences - National Research Council of Italy (Italy)

Renata Lapinska-Viola

National researh council-cnr-Institute of organic synthesis and photoreactivity (Italy)

Alberto Zanelli

Consiblio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Cnr) Istiuto per la Sintesi Organica e la Fotoreattività (ISOF) (Italy)

Armida Torreggiani

National research council of italy - cnr (Italy)

The Effectiveness of Cartoon Series to Enrich Young Learners’ Vocabulary: A Case Study

Tatu Zakiyatun Nufus

UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta- Indonesia (Indonesia)

ICT in Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Conceptual Model of the Distance Learning Platform

Farrukh Orzikulov

Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship Head of IT Department (Uzbekistan)

Ilkhom Mukhtarov

Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship Department of Economic Affairs and Procurement (Uzbekistan)

Kamila Rafikova

Higher School of Business and Entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economic Development and Poverty Reduction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, in the Compliance control department (Uzbekistan)

Zafar Mirzayev

Graduate School of Business and Entrepreneurship Department of Entrepreneurship, Corporate and Project Management (Uzbekistan)

Fun Clock Learning with Scratch for Preschoolers

Mayumi Ueno

Tokyo University of Technology (Japan)

Hybrid Flexible Teaching and Learning in Higher Education – What have we learned? Technology, experience, and perceptions

Alex Ambrose

University of Notre Dame (United States)

Arnon Hershkovitz

Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Tal Soffer

Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Maya Usher

Tel Aviv University (Israel)

Immersive Learning in Virtual Reality

Amelia Ijiri

Kyoto Institute of Technology (Japan)

Teachers’ Technological Inclusion: Students’ Core Desirability towards Educational Gains

Dr Mehboob Ul Hassan Mehboob

Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Punjab Pakistan (Pakistan)

The Umbrella School: nAn Inquiry-Creativity VR School

Dorothy F. Slater

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

Robert Slater

The University of Louisiana at Lafayette (United States)

Visual Thinking, game-based learning and digital Quiz as strategy of mathematics comprehension

Silvia Natividad Moral Sánchez

University of Málaga (Spain)

Rocío Roldán-Ortiz

University of Málaga (Spain)

Language Learning
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Determining the Preferred Oral Corrective Feedback through Existing Internalized Language Prejudice of Students in Selected Schools of Bulacan, Marinduque, and Pampanga

Claire Rose Miralles

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

Geneva Cao

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

John Louie Cruz

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

JVAndrew Morales

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

MaEricca Orga

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

Kurt Christian Reodava

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

Monica Louise Yaneza

College of Education, Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Philippines)

How to Write Good Academic Papers: Using the EXPRES Corpus to Extract Expert Writing Linguistic Patterns

Madalina Chitez

West University of Timisoara (Romania)

Valentina Mureșan

West University of Timișoara (Romania)

Roxana Rogobete

West University of Timisoara (Romania)

Implementing Critical Content-Based Instruction (CCBI) in Chinese Language Classroom

Hong Li

Emory University (United States)

Incorporation of drama into literature in young learner classes

Dönercan Dönük

Mersin University (Turkey)

Increasing Student Engagement by Investigating the ESP Needs of Students of Economics and Political Studies

Albena Stefanova

University of National and World Economy, Sofia (Bulgaria)

Investigating Long-term Oral Fluency Development during Study Abroad

Junming Chen

Xiamen University of Technology, Xiamen, China (China)

Mengxue Cui

Xiamen University of Technology (China)

Han Du

Xiamen University of Technology (China)

Hanyu Lin

Xiamen University of Technology (China)

Language Teaching and Learning in the Virtual Classroom: The Role of Feedback in Classroom Pedagogy

Antonella Valeo

York University, Toronto (Canada)

Learning German: a Foucauldian Analysis of the Objectivizing of the Subject Through Language

Stephen Hare

Madeline Symonds Middle School (Halifax Regional Centre for Education) (Canada)

Potential Role of Student Preferences for Isolated Versus Integrated Form-Focused Instruction in Perception of Grammar E-tivities at Tertiary Level

Andreja Kovačić

University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Goran Bubaš

University of Zagreb (Croatia)

Student Learning Outcomes in Online and In-Person Spanish Language Program

Casilde Isabelli

University of Nevada-Reno (United States)

Students’ Reality Construction While Discussing Controversial Issues through Four Corner Debates

Viviana Viviana Mesa Solano

Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (Colombia)

Tablets and Laptops as E-Learning Aids and Research Tools to Optimize Students’ Foreign Language Acquisition

Joachim Liedtke

Kristianstad University (Sweden)

The Role of Online Learning in the Development of English Speaking by Jordanian EFL Learners

Nahed Emaish

University of Jordan - Department of French (Jordan)

Trends in Categorization Research in Writing: A Systematic Review

Hyeyoun Kim

Dongguk University (Seoul) (Korea, Republic of)

Gyeonghoon Yoon

Dongguk University (Seoul), (Korea, Republic of)

Understanding Conceptual Metaphors in Dual Language Immersion Classrooms: A Longitudinal Perspective

Alessandro Rosborough

Brigham Young University (United States)

Paul Ricks

Brigham Young University (United States)

Karla Rodriguez-Perry

Brigham Young University (United States)

Shea Tanner

Brigham Young University (United States)

Lauren Johnson

Brigham Young University (United States)

Corinna Peterken

Brigham Young University (United States)

Giardely Baca

Brigham Young University (United States)

Writing Culture Clash: English Essay Writing Challenges in Romanian Pre-University Settings

Ionela Manda

West University of Timisoara (Romania)

Madalina Chitez

West University of Timisoara (Romania)

Mathematical Sciences
Title of Abstract Name Institution
A Model of Competency Development on Mathematics Learning Management for Teachers of the Border Patrol Police Schools in Mae Hong Son Province

Rinlapas Sirinoppawat

Chiang Mai Rajabhat University (Thailand)

Multiculturalism and Social Inclusion
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Dismantling Raci(al/st) Ideology

Dr. Sheena Mason

Suny Oneonta (United States)

Diversity & Multiculturalism as Pathways to Better Citizenship!

Kazi Hossain

Millersville University of Pennsylvania (United States)

Empathy to Empower the Difference: Diversity and Inclusion in a Multicultural Classroom

Julia Huisman

NHLStenden University of Applied Sciences (The Netherlands)

From Special Needs to Meaningful Inclusion The impact of UDL

Alan Bruce

Universal Learning Systems (Ireland)

Leveraging the Integration of HIPs to Foster an Equity-Centered Reflective Practice Among Entering Education Major Students

Caterina Almendral

LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York (CUNY) (United States)

Pablo Avila

LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York (CUNY) (United States)

Michele de Goeas-Malone

LaGuardia Community College, City University of New York (CUNY) (United States)

Responding to Racism in a Multicultural Course: Deeply Understanding Human Differences to Develop Cultural Humility

Susan Schaming Schaming

Widener University College of Health & Human Services (United States)

Teaching Immigration in the Classroom - An American Experience!

Kazi Hossain

Millersville University of Pennsylvania (United States)

Unpacking Anti-Blackness in US Schools

Kerri Ullucci

Roger Williams University (United States)

Primary Education
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Artistic Creations by Early childhood Children, an Act of Creative Citizenship

Zaily del Pilar Garcia Gutierrez García Gutiérrez

Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO (Colombia)

Alejandra Herrero Hernandez Herrero Hernandez

corporación universitaria minuto de dios - uniminuto (Colombia)

Mesezene: Introduction to a New Hungarian Approach in Fostering Language Skills to Prepare Reading in Kindergarten According to Pilot Studies

Antal Mór Szűcs

Eötvös Loránd University (Hungary)

Multicultural Competencies of Pupils as a Tool for Social Innovation in Primary Education

Michal Pankevič

Faculty of Education, Catholic University in Ružomberok (Slovakia)

Prevent the Summer Slide

Nathalie Chapleau

Université du Québec à Montréal (Canada)

The WeFEEL Approach: Exploring the Impact of an Emotional Intelligence Approach on Social-Emotional Development and Classroom Interactions

Daniela Foerch

Florida International University (United States)

Andrea Adelman

Florida International University (United States)

Special Needs
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Teacher’s Perspectives on Supporting Social Communication Competency for Autistic Students through Evidence-Based Practices

Maria Dervan

Mary Immaculate College (Ireland)

Emer Ring

Mary Immaculate College - University of Limerick (Ireland)

Margaret Egan

Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick (Ireland)

The Missing Piece of the Jigsaw in Building an Inclusive Education System: Findings from an In-School Therapy Support Project in Ireland

Emer Ring

Mary Immaculate College - University of Limerick (Ireland)

Universal Design for Learning in Higher Education: beliefs among the students of two foreign languages department

francesca Capocci

Pädagogische Hochschule Karlsruhe (Germany)

Student Assessment
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Protection Against Unfair Competition Training for Economics Students

Vladislava Petrova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Maria Markova

University of National and World Economy (Bulgaria)

Self-assessment in Initial Teacher Training Programmes. How Pre-Service teachers perceive their performance in the professional practice.

Marta Quiroga-Lobos

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile)

Paula Soto Lillo

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile)

Teacher Professional Development
Title of Abstract Name Institution
Active Learning in the Introduction to Music Pedagogy Course, Faculty of Music, Silpakorn University, Thailand

Pattaraporn Plitakul

Silpakorn University (Thailand)

Atabioeconomics Module Supported By Purple Potato Agriculture: An Example Of Metaverse+ Steam Leadership

Seval Orak

Eskişehir Atayurt Schools (Turkey)

Arzu Yalçın

Eskişehir Atayurt Schools (Turkey)

Ugur Erman Topcu

Eskişehir Atayurt Schools (Turkey)

Canan Özer

Ankara Provincial Directorate of National Education R&D (Turkey)

Leadership in Schools – the Basic Skills Network of Catalonia

Maria-Antonia Guardiola

Open University of Catalonia (Spain)

Linking Theory to Practice: How Game Experience Can Contribute to Revising and Increasing Understanding of the Paradigms of Learning

Beata Joanna Godejord

Nord University (Norway)

Peer Coaching and Self-efficacy: Research in Action

Deborah Scigliano

Duquesne University (United States)

Amy Dellapenna

McKeesport Area School District (United States)

Reflections on Academic Development During Covid-19: Zone of Trauma, Transition and Transformation

Xena Cupido

Cape Peninsular University of Technology (South Africa)

The Consequences of Mismatches Between the Promotion and Offering of International Professional Development Programmes for Mathematics Teachers

Michael Buhagiar

University of Malta (Malta)

James Calleja

University of Malta (Malta)

Mariella Galea

Ministry for Education, Malta (Malta)

The Home Exam: from Reading List Reproduction to Student Centred Production

Patrick Murphy

Nord University (Norway)

The Relevance of 21st Century Skills Training in Pre-Service EFL Teacher Education

Carmen M. Amerstorfer

University of Klagenfurt (Austria)

Using an Interactive Web-Based Environment to Promote Reflection and Peer Review in L2 Teacher Education

Anne Bannink

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)

Rose Van Der Zwaard

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)

Virtual Teams as an Arena for Learning in Online Education- Perspectives from Students

Per Arne Godejord

Nord University Business School (Norway)


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