The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Using an Interactive Web-Based Environment to Promote Reflection and Peer Review in L2 Teacher Education

Anne Bannink, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)

Rose Van Der Zwaard, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands (The Netherlands)


In this talk we present an analysis of data from a pilot project on a ‘video-reflection’ assignment involving a group of graduate students from the teacher education program of the University of Amsterdam. The assignment invites student teachers to record two of the classes they teach during their teaching practice, select three short episodes from the footage they wish to reflect on, to motivate their choices and to discuss them in a face-to-face viewing session with their supervisor on the basis of an explicit question for feedback. Although we had been relatively happy with the design of the task, we identified a recurrent problem: the student teachers tended to macro-analyze rather than micro-analyze their classes. In other words, they would gloss over the recordings and would come up with only a few general observations. When we, as an experiment, uploaded the recordings of their classes to an interactive video tagging platform and instructed them to timestamp and analyze features of their teaching, it generated more critical, in-depth and complex observations. And because the tagging tool affords multiple users and viewers, it also created the affordances for the interactive involvement of a feedback peer group (a community of ‘critical friends’). Preliminary results of our pilot study show that the platform facilitates a rich, multi-party and complex feedback environment and promotes intensive triangulation. In this way this study contributes to the understanding of interactive video reflection within teacher training programs.

Keywords: teacher education, reflection, video, video tagging, peer feedback


Van der Zwaard, R & Bannink, A. (2020). Coaching novice inservice university lecturers: From face-to-face supervision to online video tagging. In:  Ferdig, R.E., Baumgartner, E., Hartshorne, R., Kaplan-Rakowski, R. & Mouza, C. (Eds.). Teaching, technology, and teacher education during the COVID-19 pandemic: Stories from the field. (521-527). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

Bannink, A.(2009), How to capture growth? - Video narratives as an instrument for assessment in teacher educationTeaching & Teacher Education, 25(2) 244-250.

Bannink, A. & Van Dam, J. (2007), Premature closure and guided reinvention: A case study in a web-based environmentTeachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice, vol. 13(6), 565-586.



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