The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

The Advantages of Non-Traditional Educational System (on the example of teaching English)

Nodira Mukhitdinova, Republican Graduate School of Business and Management (Uzbekistan)

Rukhsora Fayziyeva, Student, Uzbek state world languages university (Uzbekistan)


Nodira A. Mukhitdinova – PhD in philology, Associate professor, the department of “Strategic and financial management”, Graduate School of Business 
and Entrepreneurship, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
Rukhsora B. Fayziyeva, - Student, Uzbek State University of World Languages.
The era of glut affects all areas of life, including changes in traditional educational processes. The article deals with the problem of innovations and trends in the development of the educational environment. The modern education system is experiencing a serious crisis, which is associated with the transition from the traditional to the nontraditional paradigm of education. The changes that have taken place in society and the economy have required a restructuring of ideas in the field of designing the education system. Everything is moving towards a personalized approach. Due to immersion in large amounts of information and knowledge every day, attention is unfocused. Due to these changes, the demand for modern information and communication technologies is increasing day by day. In particular, the demand for these technologies is growing in the process of non-traditional education system (in our case teaching foreign languages as a second language), and the interest of the humanity to information and communication technologies in the education system is increasing. In the period of intensive development of information technology, especially computer, the relevance of this topic is the importance of a computer, E-mail, Internet in teaching Business English. The author analyzes the key pedagogical innovations and trends that will play a crucial role in the construction of the nontraditional education system. Among them: massive open online courses that promote networking. At the same time, the ability to think critically and learn to analyze everything will become more important than ever. Especially in case of our listeners who are from different business spheres and are interested about the situation all over the world connected to their business. An expert author of an online course, a methodologist, a teacher at school or a lecturer at a university will become a curator who will help you choose the right knowledge in an era of information overload. The role of the teacher will still be great: in particular, he helps to meaningfully choose those sources that need to be studied and build an educational trajectory in such a way as to systematize knowledge.
Keywords: non-traditional education system, information overload, computer-based communications, traditional and non-traditional textbooks
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A.Spirkin, Dialectical Materialism. Consciousness of the World and the World of Consciousness.

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