The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

Artistic Creations by Early childhood Children, an Act of Creative Citizenship

Zaily del Pilar Garcia Gutierrez García Gutiérrez, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios - UNIMINUTO (Colombia)

Alejandra Herrero Hernandez Herrero Hernandez, corporación universitaria minuto de dios - uniminuto (Colombia)


The invisibility of children is a reality that hinders their participatory involvement in the society and the generation of significant contributions from their potential, however, initiatives are emerging that seek to promote social impact through educational projects, where the early childhood is recognized as empowered interlocutors, able to contribute to their contexts. Faced with this situation, the research project "Creative citizenship from the promotion of critical, ethical and creative thinking in early childhood children as social actors and peace builders", funded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation-MINCIENCIAS, under the leadership of the Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios- UNIMINUTO, whose objective is to develop thinking abilities in children and thus exercise as creative citizens in democratic environments that socially transform their realities, which is materialized in the exhibition ARTE-PENSAMIENTO-CRECIÓN at the Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogota, where twenty-three collective works of art made by children were exhibited to offer solutions to the problems of each context. As theoretical categories, creative citizenship [2] and artistic creation by children [1] are explored in depth. Under this premise, this research project outlines a qualitative design with participatory action research method, where data collection is done through participant action observation with field diary and audiovisual material; from a population of five hundred twenty-five children from five kindergartens in Bogota-Colombia, which have characteristics of vulnerability, of these children a sample of one hundred twenty-five is chosen, non-probabilistic and conformed by convenience. In view of this, the findings are: 1) artistic creation is the manifestation of the exercise of creative citizenship of the child as part of the development of multidimensional thinking, consequently the child is recognized and acknowledged as a creative citizen; 2) it is evident that the child is capable of generating artistic creations that imply an encounter with the observer and 3) the children are capable of creating works of art from a collective construction to generate social impact, whose content goes beyond the form and duration of the work of art. As conclusions, we propose the possibility of rethinking artistic creation as a state of encounter, where children are involved with citizenship and are able to transform from their feelings, thinking and acting, this seeks to link the artistic with the educational to create actions and disruptive social transformations from the intervention in scenarios of artistic dissemination.

Keywords: Artistic; Artistic creation; Creativity; Civic education; Early Childhood.


[1] Bourriaud, N. (2015). Estética relacional. Adriana Hidalgo.

[2] Sátiro, A. (2019). Ciudadanos creativos, personas creativas. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – UNIMINUTO.

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