Continuing Education for Natural Sciences Teacher: The Case of Earth Sciences in Series Final Elementary School
Alice Melo Ribeiro, University of Brasília (Brazil)
Anete Maria Oliveira Oliveira, University of Brasília (Brazil)
Samara dos anjos da costa Costa, University of Brasília (Brazil)
The geosciences pervades the major areas of science, his research deals between elementary concepts in History, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geography thus leading to a science that triggers an important role in the social context and in their diverse fields. The school action triggers fundamental in the construction of knowledge that will support decision making of students. It is the task of education systems in conjunction with education professionals, especially, teacher, foster situations of research and experimentation, from a particular context, and later take a more general approach that allows for reflective and critical development the students. Therefore, the primary purpose of this work is to initially make a diagnosis about the study of geosciences in elementary school, moreover, plan together with teachers of Basic Education, one short course of continuing education, with topics and teaching strategies to be defined during the research, that fosters interdisciplinarity of knowledge to other areas of education and to assist in the mediation of geoscience concepts in natural science classes. This proposition will be performed with the help of Moodle, the course will be directed by the researcher, and will be mediated by online and in-person meetings. The participants will be teachers working in elementary school, they have no training in natural sciences, and who long continue the study of geoscience, engaged in social and environmental aspects, integrated, set within a historical and evolutionary context and directed to the area of teaching.