Quality in Training and Evaluation (QuTE)
Ida Cortoni, Department CoRIS and Digizen srl, Sapienza University (Italy)
Pierpaolo De Luca, Digizen srl, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy)
QuTE (Quality in Training and evaluation) is a digital platform that can be used for monitoring and evaluating the quality assurance in the main dimensions of the educational process: planning, delivery, satisfaction and impact assessment. The comprehension of the quality responds to the question of the transparency and control by the citizen, who is directly involved in the social choices and wants to participate in making political decisions. The transparency concept is connected to the certification of the learning outcomes and educational procedures (UNESCO, 2011: 11-12). In the first case, within the European Community a common code for the instructional and educational systems has been shared (EQF), through which the mobility and lifelong learning, as well as the recognition and validation of the non-formal and informal learning, are guaranteed. In the second case, Common Quality Assurance Framework (CQAF) is an instrument of support, introduced by the EU, for developing and improving the quality, which starts from monitoring and evaluation of the ongoing systems and educational practices. QuTE does not look at the quality of competencies and performances of those delivering the service or at the certification of the competencies acquired, but the focus shifts to the quality of the educational processes, which represent the basis for the achievement of the attended learning outcomes. The software provides procedural indications, tools for analysis, monitoring and evaluation strategies for checking the different levels of competencies in an innovative perspective. The objective of reaching quality responds, therefore, to the continuous need for qualification and updating of internal competences of an organization, as well as for identifying and reducing the functional weaknesses in order to be competitive at the market. The main goal of the software is to standardize the educational procedures of action and of learning evaluation, emphasizing more effective strategies and methods and reducing methodological lacks. The starting point of this paper is focused on quality parameters of an educational process. In particular, the paper will deepen the matter of the quality in the operative processes, starting from the international shared parameters. To achieve this goal, we structure and put forward a model of the quality analysis. From the methodological point of view, the structure of the techniques and tools for data collection is in line with the indications of the CQAF. We re-contextualize the main indicators, we build the connected variables, we attribute them a semantic weight and we create a quality index, in order to verify the educational effectiveness.