The Future of Education

Edition 15

Accepted Abstracts

The Use of Associative Images to Formate Conception in Natural Sciences

Uldis Heidingers, Riga English Grammar school (Latvia)

Aiva Gaidule, Riga English Grammar school (Latvia)


Nowadays information  is an umlimited resource which should be used in right way.unlimited

There are countless definitions,interpretations of physical ,biological ,chemical and mathematical processes ,formu;as with definite notations ang units.Accesible ,and what`s the main,the amount of information which should be acquired by students is enormous..

It makes it difficult for many students while stydying.Part of students study mechanically trying to stuff their heads with a huge amount of information.But knowledge thus aacquired has no long-lasting value..As the informatiom got soon escapes memory and very often it is difficult to use it in some definite situations,for example,when solving problems,tasks in physics,chemistry or mathematics..

A lot of teachers are looking for solution in the above mentioned problems in their routine work trying to select such methodical ways which stimulate students` understanding and integrating it on the basis of earlier acquired knowledge.Only being able to understand just acquired information a pupil will really successfully use it in the next educational theme.

A team of teachers of Riga English Grammar schoolhas found a possible solution,cooperating with the Latvian Education Found in 2011.In fact ,it is alternative aproach towards the process of teaching nature science and mathematics.At the basis of this aproach lies an equilization of complicated exact system to some process or phenomenon observed in eveyday life.

Such a teaching method has been used in Riga English Grammar school in everyday teaching process of chemistry ,physics ,biology and mathematics for three years.It has constantly been improved with assistance of the project "  Goerudio project" which is Lfe -Long programme by European Commision where Riga English Grammar school acts as an associate partner.

One of the aims of the project is a formation of innovative teaching methods meant for exact subjects.Teaching methods meant for students have been worked out.Besides,methodical recomendations based on observations and resolutions while teaching have been worked out for teachers to use them in class.

A special website has been created where all the modeles created by students are collected.

Just mentioned aproach has been also described in scientific publication " Method and Tool to Achieve Necessary Level of Comprehension"(US-China Educational Review-vol2. number 8,2012).The usage of it has been reported in the international scientific conference.''The Future of education''(2012.Florence ,Italy)

To acquire full and objective information about the increase of level of comprehension in natural sciences and mathematics forming modules of concepts,processes and phenomena in future we plan to finish the research and to process static data.The analyses of these data would provide an information about the improvements needed for the methidical aproach which could be widely used.

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