Francesca Lugeri
Institution: UNICAM/ISPRA
Address: via V.Brancati 48
Postal Code: 00144
Country: Italy
Francesca R. Lugeri is working as researcher at the ISPRA Institute for Environmental Research and Protection, department for Italian Geological Survey. She cooperates with the Camerino University within several projects aimed to divulging the scientific knowledge.
PhD Camerino University . Italy (2016);
MSc in Territorial management and risk evaluation Sapienza University Rome (2006)
BSc in Social Science Mass Media communication Sapienza University Rome (2004)
MSc in Earth Sciences Sapienza University Rome (1984)
Field of research:
Scientific communication, unconventional communicative strategies in the field of Earth Sciences; Ecological Studies, GIS mapping.
PhD Camerino University . Italy (2016);
MSc in Territorial management and risk evaluation Sapienza University Rome (2006)
BSc in Social Science Mass Media communication Sapienza University Rome (2004)
MSc in Earth Sciences Sapienza University Rome (1984)
Field of research:
Scientific communication, unconventional communicative strategies in the field of Earth Sciences; Ecological Studies, GIS mapping.