Moisés Selfa Sastre
Institution: Faculty of Education Universitat of Lleida
Address: Avinguda de l'Estudi General, 4
Postal Code: 25001
Country: Spain
Moisés Selfa Sastre is PhD in Hispanic Philology.
He is Professor of Specific Teaching of the University of Lleida.
Member of the Editorial Board of International Journals of Education and Philology.
He has recently published papers on how to enhance reading and writing strategies in Primary Education students.
He has form part of various Research Groups National and International.
He is Professor of Specific Teaching of the University of Lleida.
Member of the Editorial Board of International Journals of Education and Philology.
He has recently published papers on how to enhance reading and writing strategies in Primary Education students.
He has form part of various Research Groups National and International.