Daiva Rimkuviene
Institution: Aleksandras Stulginskis University
Country: Lithuania
Daiva RimkuvienÄ— is assoc. professor at Aleksandras Stulginskis University in Lithuania. She is Director of Centre of Mathematics, Physics and Information Technology.
Daiva RimkuvienÄ— taught courses in Mathematics, Probability theory and Statistics. She has participated as researcher in international projects funded by Nordplus programme: Baltic Network in Agrometrics (2011-2012) and Development Within the Baltic Network in Agrometrics (2013-2014).
Her research interests are focused on e-learning, applied statistics, optimization methods.
She has participated in various conferences, and seminars concerning e-learning, mathematical education and social innovations.
Daiva RimkuvienÄ— taught courses in Mathematics, Probability theory and Statistics. She has participated as researcher in international projects funded by Nordplus programme: Baltic Network in Agrometrics (2011-2012) and Development Within the Baltic Network in Agrometrics (2013-2014).
Her research interests are focused on e-learning, applied statistics, optimization methods.
She has participated in various conferences, and seminars concerning e-learning, mathematical education and social innovations.