The Future of Education

Edition 15

Speaker Profile

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Evgeni Velev

Institution: State of University of library and Information Technologis

Address: 23 Izgrev str.

Postal Code: 1837

Country: Bulgaria

Evgeni Velev is a "Doctor of Science" from 2009 in scientific specialty "Theory of scientific information," he is an associate professor in 2010 and a professor from 2012. in SULSIT, Sofia.
He is Head of Department "Information environment for tourism, art and culture" and since 2014 in a Master's program "Museum and Art Management". He teaches courses of "Aesthetics of Art", "Cultural and art attractions animation", "Models of organization and management systems of Arts", "Collectable practices and the system of art ", etc.. He has a number of publications in specialized journals in the country and abroad in the field of art history, aesthetics, cultural studies and Science Studies.
His research interests are focused on the impact of information and communication environment for improvement of the system of contemporary art and to the management of the artistic heritage.
Evgeni Velev is an author of scientific monographs "Postmodern information environment and Contemporary Art" and "Management of the artistic heritage", etc.
He has participated with scientific reports and in numerous international conferences, seminars and workshops including "7th International Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries", Paris, France, "Development of the system of higher education in the field of culture: Scientific and educational experience "Orel, Russia, The Berlin Economic Forum 2016 International Conference, Berlin; March 9th - 13th, 2016) on topic "Innovative nation branding: Creative economies, sustainable tourism and foreign direct investment", etc.

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