Vlada Borisova
Institution: University of National and World Economy
Address: Studentski grad
Postal Code: 1700
Country: Bulgaria

Prof. Dr. Vladia Borisova is the director of the Institute of Intellectual Property and Technology Transfer (IISTT) of UNWE, which professionally trains personnel in the field of intellectual property for public administration, business and the non-governmental sector. Economist and intellectual property lawyer at the Sofia Bar Association (SAC). She specializes in intellectual property at the Queen Mary Intellectual Property Research Institute of London and at the Université de Lille - I France. Industrial Property Representative. Expert at the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Vice President at the working bodies of the organization. Consultant to the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), Trade Crimes Service, Crimes against Intellectual Property Division, London.
Member of the Academic Council under the Chairman of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria, member of the National Association for Intellectual Property, Biology and Pharmacy. Independent expert at the Executive Agency for SME Promotion (BSMEPA). Expert at the 39th, 40th and 43rd National Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria. He has many years of expert, teaching and research experience with numerous national and international participations, expertise, initiatives, strategic projects and publications in the field of intellectual property and technology transfer for business purposes.
Member of the Academic Council under the Chairman of the Patent Office of the Republic of Bulgaria, member of the National Association for Intellectual Property, Biology and Pharmacy. Independent expert at the Executive Agency for SME Promotion (BSMEPA). Expert at the 39th, 40th and 43rd National Parliament of the Republic of Bulgaria. He has many years of expert, teaching and research experience with numerous national and international participations, expertise, initiatives, strategic projects and publications in the field of intellectual property and technology transfer for business purposes.