The Future of Education

Edition 15

Speaker Profile

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Edward Sabornie

Institution: North Carolina State University

Address: NC State University, Poe Hall Suite 602, 2310 Stinson Dr.

Postal Code: 27695-7801

Country: United States

Edward J. Sabornie, Ph.D., is a Professor of special education at North Carolina State University in the United States. His main area of scholarly emphasis concerns students with high incidence disabilities. He received his B.S., M.Ed., and Ph.D. degrees in special education from University of Virginia. His research expertise includes examinations of the social skill and status of students with high incidence disabilities in various types of educational settings, and other related topics. He has a special interest in adolescents with high incidence disabilities and ways in which to deliver effective instruction in secondary-level schools. For 18 years Dr. Sabornie was Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed special education journal, Exceptionality, and senior author of the text, Teaching students with high-incidence disabilities at the secondary level (now in its 3rd ed.). He also Co-Edited the text, Handbook of Classroom Management (2015, 2nd ed.), and presently is grant funded to conduct longitudinal research examining in implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Support (PBIS) in the state of North Carolina. He teaches courses covering topics in applied behavior analysis, classroom management, and functional academic instruction in special education, and advises Master’s and doctoral level students.

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