Sandra Stadler-Heer
Institution: Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt
Address: Universitätsallee 1
Postal Code: 85072
Country: Germany
I'm a senior lecturer of TESOL at the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, Germany. My current research focusses on developing innovative online teaching and learning scenarios for teacher education and professional development. I'm also an expert on contemporary anglophone children's literature from South Africa.
Recent publications:
Stadler-Heer, Sandra (forthcoming). Developing novice teachers’ classroom discourse competence through micro teaching and reflective practice. In Katrin Thomson. Classroom Discourse Competence. Tübingen: Narr.
Stadler-Heer, Sandra. 2019. “Key concept: Inclusion.” English Language Teaching Journal. Online verfügbar unter: [peer-reviewed, open access]
Stadler, Sandra. 2018. “Recent Trends and Themes in South African English Children’s Fiction.” Routledge Companion to International Children’s Literature. Ed. John Stephens. New York: Routledge.
Stadler, Sandra. 2017. South African Young Adult Literature, 2000 – 2014. Heidelberg: Winter. [monography, peer-reviewed]
Recent publications:
Stadler-Heer, Sandra (forthcoming). Developing novice teachers’ classroom discourse competence through micro teaching and reflective practice. In Katrin Thomson. Classroom Discourse Competence. Tübingen: Narr.
Stadler-Heer, Sandra. 2019. “Key concept: Inclusion.” English Language Teaching Journal. Online verfügbar unter: [peer-reviewed, open access]
Stadler, Sandra. 2018. “Recent Trends and Themes in South African English Children’s Fiction.” Routledge Companion to International Children’s Literature. Ed. John Stephens. New York: Routledge.
Stadler, Sandra. 2017. South African Young Adult Literature, 2000 – 2014. Heidelberg: Winter. [monography, peer-reviewed]