Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

Foreign Language of Work: New Challenges for Serbian as a Foreign Language

Julijana Vuco, University of Belgrade (Serbia)


Being an alien in a country where one lives and works is a common phenomenon at the beginning of the 21st century. Apart from English as the language of global communication, to learn and work in a foreign language becomes a necessity. It is a phenomenon that has long been happening in most countries of the world. Based on data from the European Commission, 57 million Europeans reside in countries in which they were not born. The need for knowledge and learning of the language of the host country, different from the mother tongue, is one of the requirements for successful inclusion in the working world or for a shorter, longer or lasting residency. It should be standardized and matched with measurable requirements and offered under the language support program for work needs.
In Serbia, as a result of migrant movements from east to west, migration of highly qualified population of Serbia towards developed countries of Europe and the world, demographic crisis, but also European and other integration and work needs, labor mobility and the ability to function in a universal or domestic work environment is clear need,  and it is becoming an increasingly common reality. Within working frameworks, communication can take place in different languages, depending on the needs of employers, in English as lingua franca, or in some other foreign language, but also in Serbian as a foreign language of the environment. Serbian is used as the language of the environment, as well as a language of efficient integration into the working and other domains of everyday life.
Different models of language support are defined in the paper and encourage the need to create the Serbian Framework as the language of the environment for the needs of work.

Keywords: Language for work, Serbian L2, Serbian for work, framework of language support.

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