Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

The Importance of Implementing Soft Skills into Business English Classes

Nasiba Valieva, Republican Graduate School of Business and Management (Uzbekistan)

Nodira Mukhitdinova, Republican Graduate School of Business and Management (Uzbekistan)


The demand in developing teaching skills and soft skills has become “just-in-time” necessity. In this article we would like to signify importance of soft skills in professional development of teachers and business learners. It is revealed that leadership, risk taking, competitive spirit, great communication skills, creativity, personal and professional skills are common for both teachers and business people. Our experience at the Republican Graduate School of Business and Management shows that soft skills are more effective in teaching Business English, where a teacher serves as a role-model. Listeners of Republican Graduate school on the example of their companies make research, which includes teamwork, leadership skills, communication skills, problem solving skills, work ethic, adaptability and flexibility, and interpersonal skills. As a result of this experience the specialists from different business sectors get equipped for future business activities in particular when conducting with international partners.
In order to improve learners’ knowledge teachers should pioneer themselves in acquiring modern skills in order to cultivate these 21 century skills in learners and provide the society with skilled professionals.

Keywords: teaching skills, business skills, soft skills, experience.

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