Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

Assessing Teachers’ Perceptions towards the Use of ICT among EFL Teachers in Morocco

Mustapha Zanzoun, University Sultan Moulay Slimane (Morocco)


In order to participate fully in the knowledge of today's digital society, students must develop ICT skills and abilities over their school years. This being said, if students must develop ICT skills, the teachers must be prepared to help them gain these skills. The present study examines the findings on teachers’ attitudes and perceptions towards the use of ICT as a pedagogical tool in EFL classrooms in Morocco. The current study provides a better and insightful understanding of ICT as a pedagogical tool among EFL teachers. In relation to education, ICT is used for a set of objectives, which are necessary for the contribution of learning as well as teaching. The processes of education differ by the subject matter of learning, the required results of learning, prior knowledge, the styles of learning, culture, industry and many other factors to cite but a few. The study also addresses various concerns of educational stakeholders about the level of teachers’ competences on the use of ICT as a teaching tool. The participants involved in the sample were all Moroccan teachers from different paublic schools. Data collection methods involved a questionnaire to teachers with a veiw to seeking research evidence on their perceptions towards the use of ICT in their teaching practices. A total of 60 EFL teachers, from various schools were involved in this study. It was found that teachers have positive attitudes towards the use of ICT as a pedagogical tool when effectively integrated in their teaching . Also, low familiarity with ICT use as a pedagogical tool among teachers was found to be a challenge to be thoroughly addressed.
Keywords: ICT, Pedagogical tool, digital, ICT skills, EFL.

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[2] Chen, C. H. (2008). Why do teachers not practice what they believe regarding technology integration? The Journal of Educational Research, 102(1), 65e75.

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