Coteaching Languages in Higher Education
Wissia Fiorucci, University of Kent (United Kingdom)
This paper reports a qualitative 3-yearlong study conducted at a UK University, which investigated the potential benefits of coteaching in language classes within four language degree programmes (German, French, Italian, Hispanic Studies). In total, the work of 20 teachers were observed—between language lectors, graduate teaching assistants (PhD students), and senior members of staff—and 18 language assistants were trained. The paper will address the following aspects: in the first section, it will look at how coteaching took place, through planning and practice, identifying and exploring patterns across the various teaching teams. In the second section, the study will explain how coteaching was employed to address mixed abilities classes. In the third section, the study will then draw its conclusions by advising on successful coteaching practices in language classes, thus providing contextualised guidance for university teachers as to how coteaching can be implemented across language teaching in HE.
Keywords: Teaching and Learning, Education, Training, Coteaching, Language Teaching.
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