The Role of Input Modification (Elaboration Versus Simplification) in Reading Comprehension of EFL Learners
Saeideh Ahangari, Department of English - Tabriz Branch - Islamic Azad University (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
Sevda Shayesteh, Tehran Univesity of Medical Science (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
It is now universally accepted that in order to make the language input more comprehensible and usable for learners, it could be modified and adjusted. The present study investigated the relative effects of two types of input modification, i.e. simplification and elaboration on 120 Iranian EFL university students’ reading comprehension. Participants were divided into two proficiency levels (low and high) based on their proficiency test scores. Two English reading passages in one of the three forms, (a) baseline, (b) simplified, (c) elaborated were presented to participants. The data were analyzed by ANOVA test. The results showed that input modification enhances reading comprehension. A post hoc t-test computed between low- level participants and high- level participants showed that there is a significant difference between the performance of the two groups exposed to different types of modified texts. However, elaboration instead of simplification is suggested, because elaboration provides more native like input. It helps the readers in reading comprehension while it does not deprive them of linguistic items and essential vocabularies that they may need later in real communications. Exposing the learners to the elaborated input may foster the progression to fluent reading of original, unmodified texts, which is the end goal of reading comprehension in EFL classes.
Keywords: input modification, simplification, elaboration.
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