Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

About Some Key Issues to Education: Learning Profiles, Neuro-Education, Hybridization...Flipped, Reversed, even Disrupted Classrooms for an Assumed "Learner’s Apprenticeship Culture"

Jean-Luc Bergey, Institut National Supérieur de Professorat et d’Education (INSPÉ) de Metz-Montigny - Université de Lorraine (France)


This paper questions the notion of "learner profiles"... some diagnostic identify four learners profiles which can be positioned in a quadrant diagram (Talbot et al., 2001). For a dynamic approach, this positioning is to be associated with Kolb's (2007) "experiential learning cycle": a strong urge to be diagnosed (Bergey, 2016) in order to encourage the learner to develop complementary styles with a view to increasing his/her versatility (Sander et al., 2018). Furthermore, this pedagogical approach sweeps aside criticisms about 'cognitive profiles' of learners based on an overly "static" determination (Connac, 2018). Therefore, in relation to current pedagogical practice in a digital context, we will develop the following ideas:

  • blended learning with digital devices, and flipped, reversed, even "disrupted" classrooms? (Lebrun et al., 2015 & Cailliez, 2017);
  • educational neuro-myths (Tricot et al., 2016 & Sander et al., 2018);
  • the contribution of neuroscience with heuristic vs. algorithmic thinking (Kahneman, 2012) and cognitive inhibition in education (Houdé, 2015a, 2015b).

Thus, we will see the interest of encouraging an awareness of the learning processes to generate a feeling of “self-efficacy" in the learner (Bandura, 1997), leading to what the French call "apprenance" (Carré, 2016), which can be described as the ability to develop a conscious repertoire of learning strategies (Tardif, 1992). These are effective arguments for the integration of singular profiles and promotion of "inclusive approach" in school through individualization and differentiated instruction (Meirieu, 2017).

Keywords: blended learning, cognitive profiles, neuro-education, learners apprenticeship culture.

References (partial list): 

  • Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: WH Freeman.
  • Bergey, J.-L. (2016). « Élaborations textuelles, genres discursifs et apprentissages linguistiques médiés par les Learning Management Systems ». Thèse de doctorat, Université Bordeaux-Montaigne.
  • Cailliez, J.-C. (2017). La classe renversée. L’innovation pédagogique par le changement de posture. Paris, Ellipses.
  • Carré, P. (2016). « L'apprenance : des dispositions aux situations ». Éducation permanente, (207), 7-24.
  • Connac, S. (2018). « Neuroéducation et pédagogie », Éducation et socialisation, 49.

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