Primary Pointers for Learning Russian as a Foreign Language
Valery Vasilchikov, Università da chiedere (Russian Federation)
Russian is basically a figurative-phonetic language, which is partly (but only partly, and to the smallest extent) confirmed by the state of the Russian alphabet and grammar before the Bolshevik reform of Lunacharsky in 1918.This report is distinguished by the fact that it directly raises the question of the specifics of Russian phonetics in the context of its study as a foreign language, based on the author's radical etymological study of the origin of the Russian language, and how it affects the modern challenges of the time... The Russian language is basically a figurative-phonetic language, which is partially (but only partially, and to the smallest extent) confirmed by the state of the Russian alphabet and grammar before the Bolshevik reform of Lunacharsky in 1918. However, due to the changes in grammatical rules, the language itself, which is rapidly changing, especially in the conditions of the modern world, basically remained the same as it was before this reform, and, I venture to assume, even before the reform of various Slavic language groups by Cyril and Methodius at the end of the last millennium. It is the basis that is reflected in the author's research on special syllabic etymology that should be understood in the in-depth study of the Russian language, along with familiarity with the formal and methodological rules of grammar and spelling. The principles of such a basis can be, in the opinion of the speaker, the following. The cardinal difference between the Russian language and languages whose grammar is based on Latin, in particular, English. The Russian alphabet in its construction reflects both human life and the infinity of time and space of the Universe. In the initial language training for all age groups, preference is given to syllabic learning, as is the case in many schools in Russia. However, any natural national language of any people is based on the principle that the great founder of German classical philosophy, Jacob Boehme, proclaimed in one of his works about 400 years ago: "For only the native language is formed from the internal qualities of its own national spirit, and therefore only it can revive all things in their true qualities." What he said applies to the Russian language to the greatest extent.
Keywords: learning, innovation, etymology, russian, language, origins, essence, sound, KA.
[1] Vasil'chikov, V. N. The etymology of the Russian word. M. "Sputnik+", 2009.
[2] Vasilev V. N. "The origin of the Russian word". M., "White Alva", 2011.
[3] Vasilev V. "the Origin of the Russian word", Moscow, Publishing solutions, 2018.