Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Accepted Abstracts

International Teacher Education Network: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Enhance Bilingual Education

Dolores Ramirez-Verdugo, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)

Bahar Octu-Grillman, New York Mercy College (United States)


This paper outlines the design and development of an international teacher education network to enhance bilingual education from a transversal and interdisciplinary perspective. The network partnership explores the impact of applied educational technology, including digital and transmedia storytelling, gamification, or augmented reality, to upgrade bilingual teacher education. This approach provides tailored training to equip teacher educators, pre-and in-service K-12 teachers, and students with specific competencies, skills, and strategies in instruction and assessment. This network also intends to raise awareness towards educational, social, sustainability, and environmental challenges by applying STEAM project-based learning and CLIL approaches. Covering field areas that include performance assessment, teacher training, professional development, and practical and diverse examples, this network involves TESOL, second or foreign language learning, and CLIL programs in interdisciplinary areas that include science, history, geography, and intercultural competencies. Within this framework, educational technology, language, and narrative genres become the articulatory axis of teaching and learning within bilingual and intercultural education contexts. The network research outcome confirms the relevance of an interdisciplinary innovation and research community to improve bilingual teacher education programs.

Keywords: Bilingual teacher education network, technology, digital and transmedia storytelling, intercultural contexts, STEAM project-based learning & CLIL.


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  • Marsh D., Díaz Pérez, W., & Escárzaga Morales, M. (2019). Enhancing language awareness and competence-building through a fusion of phenomenon-based learning and content and language integration. Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society, 15(1), 55-65.
  • Ramírez Verdugo, M. D. (2013). Experiencing a digital story in bilingual education and CLIL settings. In M. Alcantud-Díaz & C. Gregori Signes (Eds.), Experiencing Digital Storytelling, pp. 90–98. JPM Ediciones.
  • Ramírez Verdugo, M.D. & Gerena, L. (2020). Bilingual Education from Learners’ Perspective. In Gómez-Parra, M.E., & Cristina Aránzazu Huertas Abril, C.A. (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Bilingual and Intercultural Education, pp. 408-426. IGI-Global.
  • Ramírez-Verdugo, M. D., & García de la Vega, A. (2018). A Conceptual reference framework for sustainability education in multilingual and cross-cultural settings. Applied technology, transmedia and digital storytelling. In D. Tafazoli, M. E. Gómez Parra, & C. A. Huertas-Abril (Eds.), Cross-cultural perspectives on technology-enhanced language learning, pp. 222–236. IGI-Global.
  • Ramírez-Verdugo, M.D. & Otcu-Grillman, B. (Eds.) (2021). Interdisciplinary Approaches toward Enhancing Teacher Education. IGI-Global.
  • VanderArk, T., & Dobyns, L. (2018). Better together: How to leverage school networks for smarter personalized and project-based learning. Jossey-Bass.

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