Innovation in Language Learning

Edition 17

Speaker Profile

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Łukasz Wilkoń

Institution: Politechnika Śląska

Country: Poland

- Italian bachelor’s degree in Political Science, major: International and Diplomatic Relations (Universita’ degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale” in Naples). Topic of diploma dissertation: I partiti di estrema destra in Polonia” (Right-wing parties in Poland).

- Master’s degree diploma at the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Silesia). Topic of dissertation: Silvio Berlusconi i Forza Italia w latach 1994-2005 (Silvio Berlusconi and Forza Italia in 1994-2005).

- 27.11.2018 – doctoral degree in social sciences in the area of political science; doctoral dissertation entitled Partie prawicowe w systemie partyjnym Włoch w okresie ,,Drugiej Republiki” (Right-wing parties in the Italian party system of the “Second Republic’’).

Currently, I am in my fourth year of second doctoral studies in computer science; the programme is conducted in English at the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice and financed by the European Union (AIDA – interdisciplinary PhD studies in the field of data processing and analysis). I specialize in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and data mining. I work in gaming industry as environment and technical artist.

Areas of expertise: data analysis, deep learning, natural language processing, linguistics, political science, game creation workflow.

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