Dolores Pevida
Institution: Teacher
Country: Spain
Mª Dolores Pevida Llamazares graduated in French language and literature from the University of Oviedo. Now, she is a High School teacher in IES Pando in Oviedo. Since 2005, she has been teaching Spanish as a foreign language. She is preparing her PhD Thesis in University of León, called: El “yo” y la cultura: pilares fundamentales en la enseñanza de una segunda lengua (hacia una teoría del aprendizaje de la L2). She coordinates national and European proyects and she also participates in activities about the preparation of teachers. She has several publications about communicative competences in foreign languages, initial evaluation of Spanish as a foreign language, didactic materials based on cooperative learning. Her last publication: Compartir para aprender y aprender a cooperar (December 2013). She has been awarded with the Sello Europeo de las lenguas (European label) with the proyect: Emprender y cooperar en una lengua nueva. On the web, she has two blogs: and