Goerudio: Innovative Teaching Methodologies in Science Education
Lorenzo Martellini, Pixel (Italy)
The project identifies two common challenges that the European educational and training systems are facing and that need a common effort in order to be answered to:
- The lack of motivation of secondary and vocational education students in studying scientific related topics, and the related insufficient results that they achieve during their school curricula
- The lack of capacity of teachers and trainers in updating their teaching methods in order to promote the interest of their students toward scientific issues
The project created a learning community of European teachers and students in order to carry out a common reflection on how to make scientific issues more attractive, promote the capacity of learners to be managers of their own learning process, exploit and mainstream the more effective projects and experiences available at European level in the field
The Goerudio portal already offers the access to:
- A collection of teachers and students’ experiences: The experiences give and accurate description of the problems encountered by the science teachers and the related solution applied. Teachers collected the students’ experiences related to the students’ successes and difficulties to study scientific subjects. The experiences also present the motivation for the success or the difficulty.
- A database of project and initiatives for science education: The database is a collection of previous and current projects and initiatives focusing on the promotion of innovative practices for teaching scientific subjects. The database gives the access to online courses, teaching methodologies, learning games in order to provide science teachers with innovative didactic resources to promote students’ interest towards scientific subjects.
Teachers, supported by project partners, are currently creating their teaching resources to teach scientific subjects making use of the results of previous innovative initiatives.