“Wake Up”- Sensitization of Students for Stem Cells Donation for Leukemia Patients
Julia Holzer, Institute for Science Education, University of Bremen (Germany)
Doris Elster, Institute for Science Education, University of Bremen (Germany)
The purpose of the study is to investigate the factors that influence students in decision making with regard to stem cell donation for leukemia patients by using the theory of planned behavior (TPB) as a general conceptual framework. The changes in theoretical determinants attitudes, subjective norms, or perceptions of behavioral control should produce changes in behavioral intention. All these factors are based on corresponding beliefs, which inform us about cognitive foundation of the behavior in question. In line with this theoretical assumption, the main focus of this study is the development of intervention, which is designed in such a way to attack and change these particular beliefs that ultimately guide performance of the intentions. In addition to the standard TPB-constructs some demographic categories (age, sex), some factors of prosocial personality (moral norms, emphatic concern, fairness) as well as factor identity-“helper” and knowledge were assessed.
In this study, the sample included 154 students, who are between 15- and 19- year-old. The first group with 94 students completed a pre- and post-questionnaire (after intervention) regarding the performance of registration as a stem cell donator for leukemia patients. During the intervention students are exposed to information and are engaged in discussion relevant to leukemia and stem cell donation. Other 60 students (control group) only completed a pre-questionnaire. In addition, the interviews were conducted with 4 students and 3 teachers. The research was performed at the end of the 2017 academic year.
The general findings and results demonstrate that the extended theory of planned behavior permitted an accurate prediction of intentions. The factor knowledge influenced intention indirectly by its effects on beliefs.
Keywords: TPB-model, beliefs, intention, attitudes, norms and values, stem cell donation;