New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

A Curricular Approach to Develop Autonomies from the Mathematics and Scientific Education

Isabel Duarte, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos / Universidad de Almería (Spain)

Mónica Arnal, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos / Universidad de Almería (Spain)

María Teresa Sánchez Compaña, University of Malaga (Spain)

Cristina Sánchez Cruzado, University of Malaga (Spain)


The purpose of this work is to highlight how the current Spanish education system supports the development of both scientific and mathematic competences. We understand these competences as the set of skills and capabilities needed to use mathematics or science when the situation requires.  For that purpose, we have carried out a curricular didactical analysis of the current regulations in Andalusia. This analysis intends to reveal how the new educational systems emphasize the development of the formative character of teaching-learning processes, which has been overshadowed by the functional and the instrumental characters in Science and Mathematics Education. The findings of the research show that the objectives set out in the law are aimed at developing in students a number of attributes such as personal autonomy, creativity, tolerance, empathy, critical spirit, etc. From our point of view, all of these attributes contribute to developing the students’ formative character. Besides, the analysis shows that course contents are not presented as an end in itself, but as a means for students to acquire these attributes and be whole human beings. Finally, it can be inferred from the analysis that both the methodological guidance and the evaluation criteria highlight the need to educate citizens to be capable of adapting to the environment and positively transforming it. Ultimately, promoting teaching-learning processes where scientific and mathematic competences are developed, educating students to be intellectually, socially and morally autonomous.

Keywords: Curricular didactical analysis, Mathematics and Science Education, competences;


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