Using Nature of Science Enriched-PBL in Teacher Education
Cristina Sousa, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto (Portugal)
Isabel Chagas, Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal)
We consider that learning methods such as Inquiry-Based Learning (IBL), Project-Based Learning (PjBL) and Problem-Based Learning (PBL) are adequate for Science and NOS learning since they promote several skills, such as questioning, communication, argumentation and cooperation. In this case study, with 8 Master students, in science teacher education, we used an enriched-PBL strategy with aspects of Nature of Science (NOS), since PBL is described to promote prior knowledge activation (Loyens et al., 2015). Students, working in small-groups, were presented with Life Science’s problems about timely themes included in the national curriculum of Life and Earth Sciences at the middle and high school level (grades 8 and 10 of K-12), such as the consequences of introduction of invasive plants in ecosystems. Upon reading, brainstorm and discussion in small-group, each group presented a different solution to the class and all the solutions were discussed. Students were also asked to identify the NOS items present in the problem and their ideas were discussed. We observed that all the students were actively engaged in the learning process and were able to identify the NOS items included, such as the scientific methods, interaction between scientists and the importance of publishing. The learning process was also assessed, using an anonymous questionnaire. The students considered that the problem provided was interesting and that stimulated motivation towards learning (63% of students classifying as 4 or 5 in a scale 1 to 5). All the students considered that they performed an important role in their own learning process (88% of students classifying as 4 or 5 in a scale 1 to 5). In conclusion, we discuss the applicability, and potentialities of this method in pre-service science teacher education. Ackowledgements: Financial support by Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto and Instituto de Educação, Universidade de Lisboa. We would like to acknowledge the Master students that participated in the study. References: Loyens, S. M. M., Jones, S. H., Mikkers, J., & Gog, T. v. (2015). Problem-based learning as a facilitator of conceptual change. Learning and Instruction, 38, 34-42.
Keywords: Problem-Based Learning, Nature of Science, teacher training;