Training Impact upon Teachers Field Trips Projects – A Preliminary Evaluation
Vanessa Souza, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
Ana Alexandra Valente Rodrigues, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
Vitor Bonifácio, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
Patrícia João, University of Aveiro (Portugal)
School visits to museums and science centres are considered a powerful learning resource when carefully planned and integrated into classroom activities. Well-designed visits imply a set of activities linked with the students’ curriculum and occurring during the visit as well as before and after. Pre- and post-visit occurrences typically developed in the classroom. However, the literature has shown most teachers do not prepare for field trips, do not define the purpose of the visit and do not relate the school curriculum with the museum's exhibits. In this work, we examined 11 field trip projects developed by in-service teachers' participating in a training programme where science education practical activities in formal, non-formal and informal contexts were explored. In particular, guidelines for selecting, planning, conducting, and evaluating field trips were provided. This qualitative descriptive-oriented study aimed to evaluate: (i) field trip projects developed by in-service teachers' before and after the training programme, (ii) teacher’s didactic proposals to be developed with students before and after the training programme. Results indicate that the teacher-training programme contributed positively to the professional development of the in-service teachers with regard to their preparation of field trips to museums and science centres. Furthermore teachers recognised the importance of planning pre- and post-visit activities to optimize students' learning. This study contributes to improve future teacher training programmes related with the effective planning of field trips to museums and science centres.
Keywords: Science Education, formal and non-formal educational contexts, field trips, teacher training;