New Perspectives in Science Education

Edition 14

Accepted Abstracts

Concept of Atoms in Future Brazilians Chemistry Teachers

Mateus Carneiro Guimarães dos Santos, State University of Maringá (Brazil)

Jheniffer Micheline Cortez dos Reis, State University of Maringá (Brazil)

Neide Maria Michellan Kiouranis, State University of Maringá (Brazil)


With the establishment of history and philosophy of chemistry the future teacher can use another apparatus of ideas to teach the atomic hypothesis. Subject that can bring several misinterpretations and is generally seen as very abstract by high school students. Based on this problem this study had as its focus an interference concerning the theme of what is reality and the concept of what is the atom in a course of undergraduate in chemistry for future teachers. The qualitative analysis of the data shows that the graduates were able to discuss important aspects about science and its construction. From the activities developed we identified and quantified the units of meanings that allowed us to establish five categories that are presented with some fragments of texts produced by the students. It was possible to note that interference in undergraduate classes was considered important by future teachers so that they could have a broader view of the nature of science and the importance of studying the history of chemistry to teach atomic hypothesis.

Keywords: Chemistry, Teacher, Atom, Philosophy, History;


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