Comparison of the Main Determinants Affecting Environmental Literacy Between Singapore, Estonia and Germany
Volkan Hasan Kaya, Institute for Science Education, University of Bremen (Germany)
Doris Elster, Institute for Science Education, University of Bremen (Germany)
The purpose of this research is to determine the variance of the main factors affecting the environmental literacy of the fifteen-year-old students studying in Germany to estimate these literacy outcomes. The relational model, which is one of the quantitative research approaches, has been adopted in this study. Through the relational model, it was tried to determine the main factors affecting the environmental literacy averages of the countries in the sample and the degree of the effect of these factors. As a research design, a survey method that provides the opportunity to work with a large sample was used. In this study, the universe was 15-year-old German, Singapore and Estonia school students. Its sample consists of 6,504 German students, 6115 Singapore students and 5587 Estonia students. The data are based on findings of the PISA 2015 of students, which were published on the official PISA site ( In this study researchers used Environmental Literacy Scale developed by Kaya and Elster. Besides, in this study, a scale was developed by the researchers to determine the basic factors affecting environmental literacy. In the light of selected factors, it is concluded that all three countries have a low but significant relationship between environmental literacy and the factors. Although the students in Estonia have more factors that effect on environmental literacy, it is also seen that the total variance ratio is lower than the other two countries. Although the factor affecting environmental literacy is less in Germany, the variance rate is about the same as that of Singapore. It is the "extra curricula activities" factor that is associated with the curriculum that has the most significant positive impact on environmental literacy among all three countries. This factor has the greatest positive impact on environmental literacy among students in Germany compared with Singapore and Estonia.
Keywords: Comparative Study, Science Education, Environmental Literacy, Literacy;