The Need to Bring up Social-Emotional Competence in Learning Instruction
Atsushi Fujihira, Nihon University (Japan)
Yorikazu Nouchi, National Institute for Educational Policy Research (Japan)
Mika Tsuyukubo, Toyo University (Japan)
Kenichi Goto, Toyo University, Japan (Japan)
In Japanese school education are both "places of learning" and "places of living" for students. Therefore, teachers' guidance has both learning guidance and student guidance (life guidance) aspects, and it is no exaggeration to say that all the guidance that teachers give to students minus learning guidance is student guidance.In general, Japanese teachers tend to perceive that student guidance is only for students with problems such as "bullying," "violence," and "truancy," and that it is about working to solve these problems.However, the 2017 revision of the national curriculum standards, the Courses of Study, clearly states that "student guidance should be enhanced in relation to academic guidance. This means that the curriculum and student guidance should be linked. This is based on the idea that it is important not to separate learning guidance and student guidance, but to enhance them by relating them to each other. Learning guidance, which is the most common form of school education, also includes many perspectives on student guidance. Specifically, not only classroom discipline, but also encouraging students to develop non-cognitive abilities (social-emotional abilities) such as motivation to learn, even in the context of academic instruction, can be said to be an aspect of student guidance.Therefore, in this study, we will review the position of student guidance in the revised Courses of Study and the necessity of fostering non-cognitive abilities (socio-emotional abilities) in the context of academic guidance. Then, based on the direction that student guidance in Japan is essentially aiming for and the challenges it faces, I will make a concrete proposal for the future of faculty training on aspects of student guidance.
Keywords:Student guidance,social-emotional abilities,faculty Training,
[1] Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, ed. (2010). National standards student guidance handbook
[2] Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, ed. (2017).The new national courses of study guidelines
[3] National Institute for Educational Policy Research, ed. (2019).National Survey on Academic Achievement and Learning Report
[4] The American School Counselor Association, ed. (2019).National Model, fourth edition