Tourism Students´ Experience of Emergency Remote Teaching Due to COVID19 Pandemic: a contribution to educational sciences
Sónia Pais, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal)
Ana Elisa Sousa, Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (Portugal)
The upsurge of the Covid-19 pandemic and the consequent lockdown led to school closure globally. Across the globe, students have been away from schools and their teachers. To cope up with this educational emergency, in Portugal all levels of education suspended face-to-face classes and were replaced by online activities.Within this context, the teacher involved in this study sought to adapt the activities and teaching materials to the exclusive use of technology and promoted asynchronous tasks, which could be developed independently and in an autonomous way by the students. In order to understand students´ perspectives on the transition to emergency remote teaching, a quantitative survey was conducted. The participants in the study are undergraduate students from a Portuguese Higher Education institution attending the curricular unit of Public Relations in Tourism.The analysis of the students’ responses to the questionnaire applied highlighted the main positive and negative aspects experienced, bringing contributions to a discussion on factors that determine the success of remote education and to educational sciences.
Keywords: Distance Learning in Times of Crisis; COVID-19; Higher Education, School Closure, Lockdown, Technology Adaption
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