The quality and heterogeneity of enrollment in programs with Priority Subject of Unified State Exam ‘Profile Mathematics’
Fuad Aleskerov, National Research University - Higher School of Economics and Institute of Control Sciences of Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Federation)
Ekaterina Shakhalieva, HSE University (Russian Federation)
Maria Tarasova, HSE University (Russian Federation)
Maria Toropova, HSE University (Russian Federation)
Vyacheslav Yakuba, Institute of Control Sciences (Russian Federation)
One of the main trends seen in the higher education is its mass and competitive character. More and more talented students with various background enroll universities every year. In our study we analyze the Unified State Examination (USE) scores of Russian students in 2015-2020 years enrolled in the universities in programs, for admission to which it is necessary to pass the USE in the subject "profile mathematics". Then we divide the information of enlarged groups of bachelors' and full-time specialist programmes into 3 specializations: "physical and mathematical sciences", “computer science“, and "economics and management". Based on the data, we use another approach to estimate heterogeneity in education and its results for university samples. It is based on the analysis of the distance between some ideal interval order characterizing the ‘ideal’ enrollment and the interval order characterizing real situation. The ‘real’ interval order is constructed based on the mean values and standard deviations of real evaluations of applicants.
We propose as well a new mathematical model based on the construction the quality level of the students’ enrolment grades based on Unified State Examination and analyse these results over several years of enrolment to Russian universities on the mathematical profile.