The Self-Regulation Processes of Student Learning in the Autonomous Study Time
Maria da Conceição Figueira Santos Pereira, Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa (Portugal)
Filipa Almeida, Park International School, Portugal (Portugal)
The teacher’s role has been changing over time, having evolved from a model of knowledge transmission to student-centered teaching and learning processes, which take into account their individual characteristics, respecting their needs and interests as well, as their learning styles and rhythms. The Autonomous Study Time (AST) appears as a work routine in the classroom capable of enabling the processes of pedagogical differentiation, in which students plan, develop and evaluate their work in collaboration and cooperation with classmates and teacher. This routine proves to promote the development of skills of autonomy, responsibility and self-regulation of students' learning processes. Is in this context that the interest in the present study emerges, under the theme The Self-regulation processes of student learning sklls in Autonomous Study Time. In accordance, this research had as its main objective to study the self-regulation processes of student learning in the Autonomous Study Time routine in the classroom. For the purpose, a qualitative interpretative methodology was used, with procedures close to the research-action methodology, using semi- structured interviews, focus group and participant observation as data collection techniques. The data processing was carried out using content analysis, following the assumptions suggested by Bardin (2013). The study results allowed us to observe that the participation of students in the processes of learning regulation, in AST, they contribute to the development of skills of autonomy, responsibility and to the progressive understanding the purposes of this routine, acquiring an awareness in the regulation of their learning. The teacher's role in this process is fundamental, in the sense of supporting the organization of work, designing diversified material resources suitable for students, as well as creating conditions that facilitate the implementation of self and hetero-evaluation processes and monitoring of the entire process.
Keywords: Autonomous Study Time (AST); Individual Work Plan; Pedagogical differentiation; Self- assessment learning
Bardin, L. (2013). Análise de conteúdo. Edições 70